bombadiltom / homebridge-rademacher-homepilot

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HomePilot plugin doesn't work with HomePilot Gateway Premium (?) #142

Closed lonh197 closed 5 months ago

lonh197 commented 5 months ago

General question first: Does the plugin work with the new HomePilot Gateway Premium?

If yes, what information on the occurring errors would be needed in order to have a look and help finding a solution?

Example error messages from different approaches:

[RademacherHomePilot] GET error for path http://homepilot.local/hp/v4/devices?devtype=Actuator: AxiosError: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND homepilot.local at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (node:dns:107:26) { hostname: 'homepilot.local', syscall: 'getaddrinfo', code: 'ENOTFOUND', errno: -3008, config: [Object], request: [Writable]

[RademacherHomePilot] GET error for path [AxiosError: Request failed with status code 404] { code: 'ERR_BAD_REQUEST', config: [Object], request: [ClientRequest], response: [Object]

Homebridge v1.6.1 (HAP v0.11.1) (RademacherHomePilot) is running on port 53520. [1/4/2024, 2:26:18 PM] [RademacherHomePilot] Unknown product: 10142345 [1/4/2024, 2:26:18 PM] [RademacherHomePilot] Unknown product: 10142345

Thanks. Henry

bombadiltom commented 5 months ago

URl must be for the new gateway but xxx must be replaced with the values of the ip address of your homepilot, e.g.

bombadiltom commented 5 months ago

btw: scenes are not supported on that "premium" gateway

bombadiltom commented 5 months ago

see also

lonh197 commented 5 months ago

Guten Abend,

das hatte nach einem Tipp aus dem HomeKit.Community-Forum schon mal versucht.

Config (URL hat im Original die korrekte IP aus meinem Router):

"name": "RademacherHomePilot", "url": "", "password_hashed": false, "scenes_as_switch": false, "debug": false, "did_list_usage": "none", "_bridge": { "username": "0E:9B:D4:B2:B3:5F", "port": 53520 }, "platform": "RademacherHomePilot"

Fehlermeldung aus der Statusseite der Homebridge:

[1/4/2024, 7:23:58 PM] [RademacherHomePilot] Launched child bridge with PID 1853 [1/4/2024, 7:23:58 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-rademacher-homepilot.RademacherHomePilot' [1/4/2024, 7:23:58 PM] [RademacherHomePilot] Loaded homebridge-rademacher-homepilot v0.10.10 child bridge successfully [1/4/2024, 7:23:58 PM] Loaded 0 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.0E9BD4B2B35F. [1/4/2024, 7:23:58 PM] [RademacherHomePilot] Warning. No password has been configured. Consider protecting access to your HomePilot. [1/4/2024, 7:23:58 PM] Homebridge v1.6.1 (HAP v0.11.1) (RademacherHomePilot) is running on port 53520. [1/4/2024, 7:23:58 PM] [RademacherHomePilot] Unknown product: 10142345 [1/4/2024, 7:23:58 PM] [RademacherHomePilot] Unknown product: 10142345

Passwort habe ich in der App entfernt, da ich den Fehler anfangs dort vermutet habe. Irgendeine Idee, was hier nicht stimmt? bg//Henry

bombadiltom commented 5 months ago

prinzipiell funktioniert, das Plugin kennt nur 10142345 nicht, was ist das für ein Gerät? Rolladenaktor?

bombadiltom commented 5 months ago

HomePilot Rolladen classic smart, oder?

bombadiltom commented 5 months ago

sollte mit 0.10.11 funktionieren

lonh197 commented 5 months ago

Perfekt! Es sind die Rolladen classic smart. Funktioniert jetzt einwandfrei.

Vielen Dank und noch einen schönen Abend. g//Henry