bombsquad-community / plugin-manager

A Plugin Manager for Bombsquad 1.7+
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Random playlist generator plugin #37

Open Loup-Garou911XD opened 2 years ago

Loup-Garou911XD commented 2 years ago

Having soo many gamemodes and maps make it hard to make a playlist which has all the possible variation of maps and gamemodes, so if possible make a plugin that can randomize the playlist when it's played

Loup-Garou911XD commented 2 years ago

I don't know if this is the right place to ask for plugins

rikkolovescats commented 2 years ago

You mean keep the same minigames in the playlist but randomize their settings? or also randomize the minigames?

I don't know if this is the right place to ask for plugins

Yep, this place's good. If you wanna hang out in general or stuff, there's also the official discord server in case you were unaware!

Loup-Garou911XD commented 2 years ago

I mean like to keep the basic settings but randomize the combination of maps and minigames

Loup-Garou911XD commented 2 years ago

Yep, this place's good. If you wanna hang out in general or stuff, there's also the official discord server in case you were unaware!

I am in the discord server already 😊