Open iank- opened 7 years ago
opengl32.lib is the part of the Windows 7 SDK
You can download it from here:
Thanks for getting back to me. I installed that, and rebooted, but it still was not able to find opengl32.lib. I changed it to win32:LIBS += libopengl32, and it built, but now it says something about version 400 being not supported. Here's the output if it helps? I'm using mingw 5.9.2 if that makes any difference.
0 0.883883 -0.785398
1 2.00026 -0.562618
2 1.25 -1.37105e-07
3 2.5341 -2.70701
4 1.97642 -0.321751
5 0.828535 -0.222781
6 1.76777 -0.785398
7 19.7994 -0.00924643
F: 1 19.7994 -0.00924643
F: -1 2.00026 -0.562618
F: 2 1.76777 -0.785398
F: -2 1.25 -1.37105e-07
F: 3 0.828535 -0.222781
F: -3 2.5341 -2.70701
F: 4 1.97642 -0.321751
Supported shading language version "Humper" "Chromium" "2.1 Chromium 1.9" "1.20"
Initializing shaders...
QOpenGLShader::compile(Vertex): ERROR: 0:1: '' : version '400' is not supported
*** Problematic Vertex shader source code ***
#version 400
#define lowp
#define mediump
#define highp
#line 1
// these are attributes, pointers to buffers
in vec3 qt_vertex;
in vec3 qt_normal;
// input stuff from Qt
uniform mat4 qt_projectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 qt_modelViewMatrix;
// this will contain the color
out vec3 data;
void main()
data = qt_normal; // normals can be interpreted as lines
vec4 worldPosition = qt_modelViewMatrix * vec4(qt_vertex,1);
//gl_Position = qt_projectionMatrix * worldPosition;
gl_Position = vec4(qt_vertex,1);
error compiling vertex shader1
QOpenGLFramebufferObject: Unsupported framebuffer format.
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_opacity): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_modelViewMatrix): shader program is not linked
ASSERT: "QOpenGLFunctions::isInitialized(d_ptr)" in file opengl\qopenglfunctions.h, line 2044
Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
The program has unexpectedly finished.
The process was ended forcefully.
Looks like you have GLSL version 1.2 What kind of video card do you have in your machine? Also try to update the video drivers from the vendor site and not through windows update.
I'm using a Mac so I created a Windows 7 virtual machine in VirtualBox. I have 3d acceleration enabled for it. Do you think that's the issue?
You can use native Mac OSX Qt.
Hi there,
I just installed Qt Creator 4.4.1 on Windows 7, and opened the FourierGL project. I ran the build and that worked, but when I run it it says "error: opengl32.lib: No such file or directory". Do you know how to make Qt Creator find this? I ran GLView and it says that I have 2.1 Chromium 1 installed for OpenGL.
I've never used Qt Creator before so maybe it's just an option or setting somewhere? I need to make this run for a school project.
Please let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks! Ian