bonafideduck / react-highlight-within-textarea

React component for highlighting bits of text within a textarea
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Find an alternative to draft-js #149

Open bonafideduck opened 2 years ago

bonafideduck commented 2 years ago

From the gitthub page, it is time to search for another implementation.

THIS PROJECT IS CURRENTLY IN MAINTENANCE MODE. It will not receive any feature updates, only critical security bug patches. On 31st December 2022 the repo will be fully archived.

mrzmyr commented 2 years ago seems to be on the rise.

bonafideduck commented 2 years ago

Tiptap is interesting. I’ve also considered quilljs. I want something as lightweight as possible that at least supports color selectors, hover, and onclick capabilities.

mirkolenz commented 2 years ago

Facebook is building Lexical as a successor to Draft.js. On first glance this project looks very interesting to me.

bonafideduck commented 2 years ago

I’m leaning towards quilljs because it is hopefully lightweight and could have both a react and vue wrapper around it.

bonafideduck commented 1 year ago

I've dropped quilljs from the contenders. It hasn't been updated in 3 years and has pathetic performance vs raw draft.

bonafideduck commented 1 year ago

Prosemirror is what TipTap runs on top of. It currently is well maintained.

bonafideduck commented 1 year ago

Prosemirror and thus tiptap probably won't work. One feature that I would like to keep is the ability to have Component decorators and from my readings, I don't think they would support that. If I just wanted class decorators, Prosemirror would be a nice choice, but then you couldn't add tiptap.