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Deleted Possibly Essential Packages, Need to Reset Ubuntu #663

Closed SidBae closed 2 years ago

SidBae commented 2 years ago

Subject: How do I completely reset Ubuntu? I have a lot of other problems though, so if you see a solution that could fix this without having to reset Ubuntu, that would be great as well.

Relevant tags: Nvidia Riva Reset Ubuntu External Storage Use Disk Partitioning

Problem: I am using Linux Ubuntu 18.04. My ultimate goal is to install Nvidia Riva. However, I needed much more disk space that I actually had. So in an attempt to create more space, I deleted the following items: /var/cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-11-6-local Cuda-10.2 Cuda-11.6 Python3 (I still have Python3.6) usr/share/doc Thunderbird Libreoffice

Considering that I have no idea what /var/cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-11-6-local is, I am guessing that this one may be the one that is causing my problems. I could not even open up the terminal application from my desktop. Instead I had to find a folder and open it with the terminal to get a command prompt.

I now have an external 64GB SD card, so I actually did not need to delete these libraries. At this point, I think the easiest way to not cause any more harm would be to reset Ubuntu to the factory settings, but would this even solve my problem (i.e. would the directories I deleted automatically be reinstalled)? I was trying to find some solutions on how to do this, and many people were saying download the Resetter application. I was following these instructions: However, when I type: sudo apt-get -f install I get: screenshot1


On a side note, if someone could explain what disk partitioning is, how it works, and how I can edit it, that would be greatly appreciated. Am I supposed to partition my external SD card?

What I could use help with:

  1. How to completely reset Ubuntu
  2. How to reinstall /var/cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-11-6-local
  3. How to connect my SD card storage to my internal storage (or how to use it)
  4. How to download Nvidia Riva to my SD card
  5. How to reinstall above list back to Ubuntu
  6. Disk partitioning

Please help me!