bones-ai / rust-drive-ai

Self driving car AI in road fighter world
MIT License
105 stars 16 forks source link

Fix clippy warnings & added gitignore #2

Open DuckyBlender opened 1 year ago

DuckyBlender commented 1 year ago

Program works exactly the same Thank you for this project, I was able to learn a ton of stuff reading this code :)

bones-ai commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the PR :) Also apologies for the super late reply

Thanks for the updates you've to the project, just one request, there are a few functions in like car_manual_input_system and car_steer_system that enable the user to drive the car around the screen and I would really like to retain that feature without having the uncomment the code again (just uncommenting the systems).

I'll spend some time over the next weekend to make minor updates to the PR before merging it

DuckyBlender commented 3 months ago

Apologies for the super super late reply. Sure, will do

DuckyBlender commented 3 months ago

will also update bevy :)

DuckyBlender commented 3 months ago

will also update bevy :)

unfortunately, only one version up (0.11) because some bevy crates don't yet support the newest version... just the nature of such a dynamic project

DuckyBlender commented 3 months ago

ready for review