bonesoul / CoiniumServ

Next-gen crypto currency mining pool software
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Vote - Removing MPOS support #605

Open bonesoul opened 9 years ago

bonesoul commented 9 years ago

I'd like to start a public vote on removing the support for MPOS. CoiniumServ embedded front-end is still not comparable to MPOS feature-wise, but it recently became complete enough.

Both maintaining the embedded web-server and MPOS support became a quite time-taking task for me. So I'd like to start a vote.

But i must admit that even if MPOS support code stays in the codebase, I won't be maintaining it (unless I get a bounty for it) - we need a maintainer for it - because I already have plans to improve the CoiniumServ with new features like auto-exchange & multi-pool support, which I wasn't able to release yet because maintaining features like MPOS takes time.

So in order to be able to focus on the new features, I'd like to remove MPOS support if approved by the community or handle it to some other maintainer.

--- Want to back this issue? **[Post a bounty on it!](** We accept bounties via [Bountysource](
bonesoul commented 9 years ago

my own vote: +1

Caberhagen commented 9 years ago

+1 for remove

Cryptcollector commented 9 years ago

+1 Yeah! why not, if Coinium Frontend and Backend keeps progressing we will have better functionality in the end without all the MPOS hacking LOL :-)

TheCashier commented 9 years ago

+1, MPOS is useless :)

Marty19 commented 9 years ago

My site is based on the MPOS data structure and backend but with a custom front end. Happy to update if Coinium can write its data to MySQL as I like to do my own monitoring to ensure things are working correctly. I see MySQL is a storage option for Coinium but I cannot find a data definition anywhere.

artbatista commented 9 years ago

Remove it, but the Coinium interface needs to improve much more before MPOS support is removed

frndxyz commented 9 years ago


bonesoul commented 9 years ago

@Marty19 - check

Marty19 commented 9 years ago


Having given it some thought I really need minimal MPOS support to continue. some of my miners prefer to store their coins with me until exchanges become available rather than have to download and run every new wallet that gets created. Both Coinium and NOMP do not really allow for this and assume everyone wants to withdraw their coins immediately.

As long as the workers are validated against the accounts and the shares submitted to the shares table I think the MPOS batch will take care of the rest. There is no need to integrate MPOS data into the Coinium web server as the front end is handled by MPOS.

ahmedbodi commented 9 years ago

-1 we need MPOS support. you'll severely limit the usage of coiniumserv

KevinBiomech commented 9 years ago

-1 I know opinions are all over the map, but I personally (so far) vastly prefer MPOS as a front end. I've not commented, but I've been following the development for a little while on this. I think you have the product to eventually eclipse MPOS, but you're not there yet. I prefer MPOS as a miner as well. I currently use NOMP as my stratum, but am in the process of switching to Coinium. It seems way better and is definitely better documented.

ob1100 commented 9 years ago


sixxkilur commented 8 years ago

-1 leave it.

iHuagle commented 6 years ago

-1 MPOS is good!!!!

mario1987 commented 6 years ago


Infinity666 commented 6 years ago


dangerm0us commented 6 years ago
