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Bitcoincash : "Base58 decode failed for address" #958

Open BenKnigge opened 6 years ago

BenKnigge commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to configure bitcoincash but I keep getting errors regarding the address.

I've tried it in both the old, new, and new with prefix formats.

Here's the error that I'm receiving.

Error] [n/a] [global] Base58 decode failed for address bitcoincash:qrhme9fh8dhxakpshu50kj6y3zcf0nke8q8yuxdltc 02:28:38 [Error] [Pool] [Bitcoincash] Pool initilization failed; System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at CoiniumServ.Transactions.Outputs.Add (System.String walletAddress, System.Double amount, System.Boolean poolCentralAddress) [0x00086] in <2f826172b94d4d4fbfbf8a66d70f67ce>:0 at CoiniumServ.Transactions.Outputs.AddRecipient (System.String address, System.Double amount) [0x00000] in <2f826172b94d4d4fbfbf8a66d70f67ce>:0 at CoiniumServ.Transactions.GenerationTransaction..ctor (CoiniumServ.Jobs.IExtraNonce extraNonce, CoiniumServ.Daemon.IDaemonClient daemonClient, CoiniumServ.Daemon.Responses.IBlockTemplate blockTemplate, CoiniumServ.Pools.IPoolConfig poolConfig) [0x00125] in <2f826172b94d4d4fbfbf8a66d70f67ce>:0 at CoiniumServ.Jobs.Manager.JobManager.GetNewJob () [0x00027] in <2f826172b94d4d4fbfbf8a66d70f67ce>:0 at CoiniumServ.Jobs.Manager.JobManager.CreateAndBroadcastNewJob (System.Boolean initiatedByTimer) [0x00006] in <2f826172b94d4d4fbfbf8a66d70f67ce>:0 at CoiniumServ.Jobs.Manager.JobManager.Initialize (System.UInt32 instanceId) [0x0006e] in <2f826172b94d4d4fbfbf8a66d70f67ce>:0 at CoiniumServ.Pools.Pool.InitCoreServices () [0x000e7] in <2f826172b94d4d4fbfbf8a66d70f67ce>:0 at CoiniumServ.Pools.Pool.Initialize () [0x0004d] in <2f826172b94d4d4fbfbf8a66d70f67ce>:0

Is anyone mining bitcoin cash? What address format are you using. I noticed that bitcoincash was conspicuously absent from the defaul coin configs. I simply copied the config bitcoin and updated the url's and symbol.

Is bitcoincash supported?

I'm a fairly decent C# developer. Would my contribution to resolving this issue be welcome?

Edit: I tried using an address in the old format that had a coin in it and it worked without issue. I'm wondering if this issue only occurs with a new empty wallet.

BenKnigge commented 6 years ago

A work around is to take the address in the new format from the daemon and then converting it to the old format.

qshuai commented 6 years ago

@BenKnigge Can you share your modified code. I am newer coder. I am setting up mining pool for bitcoin cash and encounter many difficulty.

bitcoin-cash: v0.16.2