bonesoul / CoiniumServ

Next-gen crypto currency mining pool software
802 stars 494 forks source link

Low difficulty share #987

Open dmshel opened 6 years ago

dmshel commented 6 years ago

Hello! Can i ask what wrong i do I try use x11 Dash I have a lot reject shares Rejected share by miner Xeuih6m8HfXQkhMFBXF7Pvw9TCxxxxx, reason: Low difficulty share of: 0,00 dash-example.json "stratum": { "enabled": true, "bind": "89.хх.ххх.ххх", "port": 3032, "diff": 16, "vardiff": { "enabled": true, "minDiff": 16, "maxDiff": 512, "targetTime": 15, "retargetTime": 90, "variancePercent": 30 } }, default.json "stratum": { "enabled": true, "bind": "89.хх.ххх.ххх", "diff": 16, "vardiff": { "enabled": true, "minDiff": 8, "maxDiff": 1500000, "targetTime": 15, "retargetTime": 90, "variancePercent": 30

Pool hashrate is 0,00 KH/s I can not understand why at debug.log i see Low difficulty share of: 0,00

jeong760 commented 6 years ago

@dmshel, Please consolidate a coin pool info into one file and changed following for default.json and pool.json

Regards, John Ahn

jeong760 commented 6 years ago

@dmshel Normally Low difficulty share message occurred when you are setting wrong diff value set on your_coin_name.json for mining pool. so please check and set correctly.

Regards, John Ahn

dmshel commented 6 years ago

@jeong760 tnx! How 2 fix pools hashrate? Pool hashrate is 0,00 KH/s for x11

jeong760 commented 6 years ago

@dmshel I am waiting for @bonesoul merged a my PR on his repo soon. if you needed please clone my repo and compil it again or sending me you email then I gave you my compiled version to fixed a pool hash rate.

dmshel commented 6 years ago

@jeong760 pls check ur email

jeong760 commented 6 years ago

@dmshel Email sent.. please check that is working perfectly with you.

dmshel commented 6 years ago

tnx. diff is solved. Hashrate nope. I try use ur Release at my server not work:( After i replaced ur files and copy my config files and start server i see again error Redis storage initialization failed: StackExchange.Redis.RedisConnectionException: It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s); to create a disconnected multiplexer, disable AbortOnConnectFail. change back stock CoiniumServ and copied my config. working is fine

jeong760 commented 6 years ago

@dmshel, you need to upgrade or recompile of your Redis. Then try again

jeong760 commented 6 years ago

@dmshel Try to download this weekend merged version and recompile it.

dmshel commented 6 years ago

@jeong760 git and recompile last release but still have error [Ubuntu] Redis database connection fails #992 I try to compile on a clean Ubuntu but still have error default 1 2

dmshel commented 6 years ago

I think I know why the error is, I'm running through the mono. you run dotnet correctly? Ur server.log 03/12/2018 07:06:58 +09:00 [Information] [PlatformManager] [global] Running over .Net, framework: 4.5 (v4.0.30319.42000). My server.log 03/18/2018 06:46:57 +03:00 [Information] [PlatformManager] [global] Running over Mono (tarball Wed Mar 7 15:25:20 UTC 2018), framework: 4.5 (v4.0.30319.42000). Or it does not matter?

dmshel commented 6 years ago

Solved! StackExchange.Redis 1.2.6 from neuget package not wont correctly work! I copy to ~/CoiniumServ/build/bin/Release files StackExchange.Redis.dll and StackExchange.Redis.xml from 1.2.4 release and start CoiniumServ. works is fine all works! default

bonesoul commented 6 years ago

@jeong760 we should downgrade it back then.

jdamhost commented 6 years ago

hi I am having a similar issue I downloaded the files form here :

out of curiosity where are the StackExchange.Redis.dll and StackExchange.Redis.xml located as I cant find them in the folder?

jdamhost commented 6 years ago

I have installed 1.2.4 and transferred the files from all 3 folder in to 1.26 but have had no avail still getting the same error

17:24:06 [Error] [RedisProvider] [Litecoin] Redis storage initialization failed: StackExchange.Redis.RedisConnectionException: It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s); to create a disconnected multiplexer, disable AbortOnConnectFail. at StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectImpl (System.Func`1[TResult] multiplexerFactory, System.IO.TextWriter log) [0x0008f] in <3c6615c26745427097f34fa88a9ec796>:0 at StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect (System.String configuration, System.IO.TextWriter log) [0x0000d] in <3c6615c26745427097f34fa88a9ec796>:0 at CoiniumServ.Persistance.Providers.Redis.RedisClient..ctor (System.String host, System.Int32 port, System.String password, System.String extraOptions) [0x0007a] in <750972795ca34711ba6e04fcbde66a50>:0 at CoiniumServ.Persistance.Providers.Redis.RedisProvider.Initialize () [0x00022] in <750972795ca34711ba6e04fcbde66a50>:0

[Error] [HybridStorage] [Litecoin] An exception occured while deleting expired hashrate data: Object reference not set to an instance of an object 17:25:08 [Error] [HybridStorage] [Litecoin] An exception occured while getting hashrate data: Object reference not set to an instance of an object 17:25:08 [Error] [HybridStorag

jdamhost commented 6 years ago

update: I have resolved the Stack Exchange issue :) Thank you very much , I just need to make sure I read properly haha

bonesoul commented 6 years ago

Can someone please submit a fix PR for StackExchange.Redis 1.2.6?

jeong760 commented 6 years ago

@bonesoul Does it caused by StockExchange Redis 1.2.6? so you want to PR down grade version or newest version

jdamhost commented 6 years ago

Yes I assumed StockExchange.Redis 1.2.6 is faulty, I followed instructions as above and it loads and works well now :)

jeong760 commented 6 years ago

@jdamhost So when after you downgrade a StockExchange.Redis 1.2.4. is everything works fine?

dmshel commented 6 years ago

@jeong760 Yes! i dont have error too

jeong760 commented 6 years ago

@bonesoul I've downgrade a StackExchage.Redis to 1.2.4 and opened a PR.

dmshel commented 6 years ago

[Debug] [ShareManager] [Dash] Share accepted at 0.00/68.57143 by miner Xeuih6m8HfXQkhMFBXF7Pvw9TCWEiAFjo4 [Debug] [ShareManager] [Dash] We thought a block was found but it was rejected by the coin daemon; [0358c5c99516124a4279c8954dd6366c95f66a1835a78ae61186a8bcb488a12f] - reason; Block not found This is not good? I have many redject [Debug] [ShareManager] [Dash] Rejected share by miner Xeuih6m8HfXQkhMFBXF7Pvw9TCWEiAFjo4, reason: Low difficulty share of: 0,00 "stratum": { "enabled": true, "bind": "", "port": 3032, "diff": 16, "vardiff": { "enabled": true, "minDiff": 16, "maxDiff": 128, "targetTime": 15, "retargetTime": 60, "variancePercent": 30 i see at #571 [Debug] [ShareManager] [Fastcoin] Share accepted at 14621.44/12288 by miner fngwoNeU4pqzWsSAPABDi9UBWnW2C8hYLo what am I doing wrong? dashd debug.log 2018-03-24 08:02:19 ERROR: CheckProofOfWork(): hash doesn't match nBits 2018-03-24 08:02:19 ERROR: CheckBlockHeader(): proof of work failed 2018-03-24 08:02:19 ERROR: ProcessNewBlock: AcceptBlock FAILED 2018-03-24 08:02:21 ERROR: CheckProofOfWork(): hash doesn't match nBits 2018-03-24 08:02:21 ERROR: CheckBlockHeader(): proof of work failed 2018-03-24 08:02:21 ERROR: ProcessNewBlock: AcceptBlock FAILED 2018-03-24 08:02:26 ERROR: CheckProofOfWork(): hash doesn't match nBits 2018-03-24 08:02:26 ERROR: CheckBlockHeader(): proof of work failed 2018-03-24 08:02:26 ERROR: ProcessNewBlock: AcceptBlock FAILED 2018-03-24 08:02:26 CGovernanceManager::Sync -- sent 1 objects and 0 votes to peer=13 2018-03-24 08:02:37 ERROR: CheckProofOfWork(): hash doesn't match nBits 2018-03-24 08:02:37 ERROR: CheckBlockHeader(): proof of work failed 2018-03-24 08:02:37 ERROR: ProcessNewBlock: AcceptBlock FAILED 2018-03-24 08:02:41 ERROR: CheckProofOfWork(): hash doesn't match nBits 2018-03-24 08:02:41 ERROR: CheckBlockHeader(): proof of work failed 2018-03-24 08:02:41 ERROR: ProcessNewBlock: AcceptBlock FAILED 2018-03-24 08:02:50 ERROR: CheckProofOfWork(): hash doesn't match nBits 2018-03-24 08:02:50 ERROR: CheckBlockHeader(): proof of work failed 2018-03-24 08:02:50 ERROR: ProcessNewBlock: AcceptBlock FAILED