bonesoul / voxeliq

voxeliq is an open source block-based game engine implementation developed with C#
Microsoft Public License
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Engine itself should be free of Camera and Player. #46

Open bonesoul opened 11 years ago

bonesoul commented 11 years ago

As of right now, these exist in the Engine code itself but it should be free of them and Camera related the values should be provided by the game itself as configuration to Engine. So that anyone could just use it for FPS, RTS or some other kind of game.

Camera issues;

Player issues;

Delwin9999 commented 11 years ago

There's the question of what is 'game' code and what is 'engine' code. Maybe there should be three layers? 'Engine' 'Genre' and 'Game'? It seems that things like a good first person controller or a good isometric camera would be very useful to have in a generic place that multiple games could pull from but likewise aren't really part of the engine per se.

bonesoul commented 11 years ago

Actually I was also thinking about this and had an idea like;

Yet, your idea is also quite viable, having the Engine itself, Samples/ folder and Utility/ library with common genre functionality provided.