Closed hemanshurana closed 1 year ago
This problem seems to happen when downloading chromedriver. I did a quick search, and it seems caused on the server-side (e.g., this), but this is the first time I have seen that.
Is this error persistent on your side?
Wonder if this has something to do with the ChromeDriver versions available.
I've had recently issues in MacOS when using 111.0.5563.64
, the mappings in don't have the latest versions yet, so I was facing issues with Chrome possiblity due to this file needs a quick update.
The problem for this particular issue might be that ChromeDriver site ( does not seems to have the latest version 111.0.5563.65
uploaded there yet? Which might be a problem for you @hemanshurana
Any thoughts @bonigarcia ?
@bonigarcia Yes this error persistent on my side after update chrome browser
@bonigarcia @hemanshurana Hey I had a similar issue on mac and I don't think it has to do with this plugin but the new update: here's what I did to fix it based on this video.
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); options.addArguments("--remote-allow-origins=*"); DesiredCapabilities cp=new DesiredCapabilities(); cp.setCapability(ChromeOptions.CAPABILITY, options); options.merge(cp); WebDriverManager.chromedriver().setup();
Indeed, this is an issue in Selenium with Chrome 111 (see issue). It seems the workaround so far is to include --remote-allow-origins=*
in the ChromeOptions
. I'm closing this issue since this it is not due to WebDriverManager.
Description of the problem: Start getting the error after i update chrome browser Browser and version: Chrome Version 111.0.5563.65 Operating system: Windows 10 Enterprise
WebDriverManager version: 5.3.1 and 5.3.2
WebDriverManager call:
WebDriverManager traces:
Error log: