While compiling, the task ends and gives back the shaker prompt :
[26 of 31] Compiling Shaker.SourceHelperTest ( /home/user/shaker/testsuite/tests/Shaker/SourceHelperTest.hs, target/Shaker/SourceHelperTest.o )
Exception when trying to run compile-time code:
shaker: interrupted
Code: thListProperties
In the expression: $thListProperties
In the definition of `propLists': propLists = $thListProperties
---------- End action ---------------------------
^C killing the current task is interesting, why not a "type Quit to exit Shaker", like vim ?
A ^C usually quits shaker, but not while testing (some tests fail, but the test suite continues) :
While compiling, the task ends and gives back the shaker prompt :
^C killing the current task is interesting, why not a "type Quit to exit Shaker", like vim ?