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How to run a software agency #39

Open boobo94 opened 2 years ago

boobo94 commented 2 years ago

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boobo94 commented 2 years ago

Going from Developer to Digital Agency

Define Your Market

The first step in thinking like an agency is to define your market. You’ll need to be strategic about the type of clients to approach and the services to offer.

Set Guidelines for Pricing and Project Management

the bottom line for a new agency is to estimate what your project will cost to produce, then add 25%.

Anticipate Expenses

Develop Your Business

Once you’ve covered the basics, it’s time to find some clients.

Start with your personal network. Ask for referrals from family, friends, past clients, and colleagues. Post about it on your social networking sites.

Look into conferences for networking opportunities.

Avoid Tax Trouble

Make sure you put money aside for paying income tax and social security.


boobo94 commented 2 years ago

Discover your client

Before you can write up a proposal and start working, you need to set aside time with your customer to discover

Ask the Right Questions

asking open-ended questions to discover your clients’ stories—questions beginning with who, what, when, where, how and why. If they don’t know why they want to do something, they’ll never do it.

Sometimes, customers see a website update as a quick fix to deeper-seated business issues.

Set Attainable Expectations

There’s a chance your client has never worked with a developer before, or maybe never even worked on their own website before. Answer their questions and set expectations on timing, potential roadblocks and what you need from them so that they don’t panic when unforeseen hiccups occur later down the line.

boobo94 commented 2 years ago

Sales Strategies for Agencies -

Qualification: Does This Merit More of My Time?

When someone enters your sales funnel (a ‘prospect’), hold a brief meeting where the explicit goal is to understand if engagement is worth the time spend of both parties. The most common qualification standard/mantra is BANT:

Budget: Does this prospect have enough budget to pay for my services?

Authority: Am I talking to the person who can write that check?

Need: Does this person truly need the services I provide?

Timeline: Is their timeline congruent with my agency’s timeline for project delivery?

Tips to carry out a successful discovery conversation:

Use open ended questions.

Listen 75% of the time, talk 25%.

Resist the urge to talk about your value until the end.