Closed boobo94 closed 3 years ago
The practical application of the keyword search volume metric is quite obvious. We use it to determine how much organic search traffic our page will get if it ranks on the front page of Google for a given keyword.
Are you overwhelmed by the number of keyword research tools available? Here are the best keyword research tools for 2018 (as per our testing):
According to Google, “most” advertisers will see Keyword Planner data as usual. But AdWords users with a “lower monthly spend” could see limited data in the planner. How limited? Very. The ranges that Google will provide for those with small (or no) spends makes the tool almost useless.
Here’s a list of tactics we’ve used at Ahrefs to grow +65% year-on-year. They’re mostly free. You can use them to promote your business too.
Backlinks are links from a page on one website to another. If someone links to your site, then you have a backlink from them. If you link to another website, then they have a backlink from you.
Long-tail keywords are terms with low search volumes. Despite what many people think, it has nothing to do with how long or short a keyword is, how well it’s likely to convert, or how specific it is.
Finding a bunch of keywords that you want to rank for is easy. The hard part is figuring out what it’ll take to rank for those keywords (i.e., “keyword difficulty”), and then using that information to prioritize and plan your SEO strategy.
Your competitors are a goldmine of information that can inform every aspect of your SEO strategy and help to skyrocket your website’s organic traffic.
If we can find broken pages on our competitors’ websites, that have backlinks, and are also somewhat relevant to our business, then we may be able to take advantage of such pages by:
Figuring out what the dead page used to be; Publishing something similar, but better; Finding everyone linking to the dead resource (use the Backlinks report in Site Explorer) Asking them to swap out the dead link in favor of our working resource. We could also use what’s commonly known as the ‘skyscraper’ technique to attract links:
Create a similar but even better piece of content Show it to everyone who links to our competitor’s now inferior content Ask them to swap out the link in favor of our superior content