Closed DedFishy closed 1 year ago
Hi, You want to use an off-screen buffer for drawing something and then transport the buffer to the screen, right? Here is an example. ( I tested this code on RPi Pico + ST7735. )
from machine import SPI,Pin
from ST7735 import TFT
spi = SPI(0, baudrate=20000000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=Pin(2), mosi=Pin(3), miso=Pin(0))
from framebuf import FrameBuffer, RGB565
buf = bytearray(128*160*2)
fb = FrameBuffer(buf, 128, 160, RGB565)
(xmax, ymax) = (128-size, 160-size)
(x, y) = (size, size)
(vx, vy) = (1, 1)
while True:
fb.ellipse(x, y, size, size, 0xffff, True)
x += vx
if x == xmax or x == size:
vx = -vx
y += vy
if y == ymax or y == size:
vy = -vy
This code works very well! Thank you so much! Maybe you should put this in as a separate script as an example, because it's a lot smoother this way.
Hello, I'm using this with the intent of creating a game that utilizes the screen. However, there's no update method or anything to utilize a buffer, so every operation is immediately applied. This causes the screen to flicker and show things loading in, which is not ideal. Is there a way to fix this?