bookdash / bookdash-backend-admin-portal

Admin portal for Book Dash where new books are added
Apache License 2.0
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Uploading of Books straight to Firebase Storage #10

Open riggaroo opened 7 years ago

riggaroo commented 7 years ago

At the moment it is pretty tedious to upload a new book as you have to manually place it in the correct folder on Firebase Storage and copy the url (remove the gs://bookdash****/ at the front) then click "Save".

It would be great if we could just "Select File" for the Book Cover and the Book itself, instead of having to manually upload and copy the correct url.

riggaroo commented 7 years ago

I see angularfire now has support for Firebase Storage - announced a few minutes ago. I see we are also using a very outdated version of Firebase and some of the other dependencies can also be updated.

lgleasain commented 7 years ago

Agreed on both.