When doing kubectl apply on a manifest, --dry-run=server flag will perform a server-side dry run. There’s also a client-side dry run that doesn’t invoke admission webhooks etc, just basically validates the YAML on the client without talking to the API server.
We can tell Kubernetes that our admission webhook is “dry-run-aware” and it’s safe to call it during a dry run by adding sideEffects: None.
When doing
kubectl apply
on a manifest,--dry-run=server
flag will perform a server-side dry run. There’s also a client-side dry run that doesn’t invoke admission webhooks etc, just basically validates the YAML on the client without talking to the API server. We can tell Kubernetes that our admission webhook is “dry-run-aware” and it’s safe to call it during a dry run by addingsideEffects: None
. https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/extensible-admission-controllers/#side-effects