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Template Repos #165

Closed dearshrewdwit closed 1 year ago

dearshrewdwit commented 1 year ago


vherus commented 1 year ago

This is taking a bit longer than anticipated, there are a lot of inconsistencies in the API spec

vherus commented 1 year ago

User, post, cohort and log are done and consistent now. The YAML isn't pretty.

What's left:

Responses should follow the structure:

  "status": "string",
  "data": {
    "property1": "type",

See the existing responses for the ones I've cleaned up as a reference for how to include nested entities.

Some of the endpoints may not make sense on those left to complete, please make sure they make sense.

E.g. "Create cohort exercise": Currently: /exercises/{id}/cohortExercises

That route can be removed with an optional cohortId property added to the "Create exercise" route's request body

vherus commented 1 year ago

Command for compiling the YAML: npx redoc-cli build docs/openapi.yml -o docs/index.html

vherus commented 1 year ago

Conversation, Exercise and Comment left to do

vherus commented 1 year ago

The spec is riddled with inconsistencies and bad choices. Current work frozen pending the below actions:

  1. Verify the current spec as it exists matches how the client is ingesting the API
  2. Remove anything that the client and server have not implemented
  3. Refactor the spec and/or client when implementing the new client designs
vherus commented 1 year ago
vherus commented 1 year ago