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Add Linux instructions to Developer Environment Setup repo #188

Open julesnuggy opened 1 year ago

julesnuggy commented 1 year ago

GitHub SSH setup is different for Linux compared to MacOS or Windows.

SSH config file:

Host *
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/githubkey

Guide: Full list of config properties:

Auenc commented 1 year ago

Interestingly - I think if we were to have a separate guide for linux - we could just remove the section of renaming the ssh key and leave it as id_rsa. Git will by default attempt to use a few different keys held within the .ssh directory.

Personally, I don't have a config file on my linux box. I have a few different keys (github, gitlab, etc) and git seems to work just fine

julesnuggy commented 1 year ago

TBH I don't know why we have the config setting at all. I don't have one for my windows machine either and just leave it at id_rsa for SHA256. 🤷