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Create getting unstuck guide #90

Closed dearshrewdwit closed 2 years ago

dearshrewdwit commented 2 years ago

Working draft

Getting stuck is important! It’s quick feedback that you’re learning, and you’re about to learn something! Teachers won’t be here always, so the intention of this process is to help you stand on your own two feet as soon as you can -> a way you can solve any problem with time! 
Getting unstuck/learning is a skill we can improve! Growth mindset!

How do you get unstuck

1. Diagnose: What are you stuck on?

Outcome: a list of hints, something specific to get information about.

Process: Clarify what it is you’re stuck on (diagnose: get visibility!)

  1. Write it down.
    1. The error message, the line number, the file
    2. A type of transformation of input to output
    3. A concept
    4. A skill
  2. If this is tough
    1. Reduce scope: tackle part of the problem and identify it

This step is important - but it’s not always easy.

To improve: A good question to ask a teacher: “I’m stuck. These are the things I’ve noted - what am I missing?”

Examples Bad:

2. Identify available resources

outcome: a priority list of available resources


  1. Quick step - only changes in a new environment.
    1. Identify internal/external documentation, videos, blogs, articles, Peers, experts
    2. Order the resources by cost to access and relevancy: usually (well-organised internal docs ——> experts)

To improve: A good question to ask a teacher: “I’m stuck on xyz. I've identified these information sources as resources. Am I missing anything?” "is abc a good resource?"

Examples Bad:

3. Create a query

Outcome: a question you can ask a teacher, a search term to look up in documentation, a query you can google


  1. Forming the query is tough!
  2. Create a good question

To improve: A good process-oriented question to ask a teacher: “I’m stuck. Abc are the things I’ve noted. I’ve searched for information about xyz with “a search query”. What query would you have searched for?

Examples Bad:

4. Query the available resources one at a time to get information.


  1. internal/external documentation (20mins)
    • , videos, blogs, articles
  2. Peers (10mins)
  3. experts (raise a support ticket)

To improve: A good process-oriented question to ask a teacher: “I’ve been stuck on xyz. I've looked at doc abc for ghi mins. Should I escalate now or continue trying to understand the doc?

Examples Bad:
 straight to experts, spending 100mins on (1)
 Good: move from one to another 

5. Understand and apply the information.


  1. explain what you've learned to yourself or a community member
  2. create small examples demonstrating applying the knowledge
  3. evaluate the information you have
  4. apply it your work

To improve: Ask a teacher "I'm trying to understand about xyz from source abc. How can I get better at applying this information?

Examples Bad:

6. Review the process

Outcome: Actionable feedback Process

  1. Identify if there were any missed stages
  2. Identify stages that took the most time.

To improve: A good process-oriented question to ask a teacher: “how do you review a process?"

Examples Bad:
 no review Good: I spent too long on the diagnosis phase, I need to improve this by asking a teacher for feedback on how I can improve on what I did.

dearshrewdwit commented 2 years ago