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Create components - Cohorts List / Cohort List Item #113

Closed lucianosimoni closed 1 year ago

lucianosimoni commented 1 year ago

Requirements for component - Cohorts List

Requirements for component - {CohortListItem}



dogezen commented 1 year ago

Do you really need a more button? How will it be used? This is unclear.

Map though the Cohorts inside Database and return Cohort List Item - this is not accurate because I will be mapping from local state after a fetch, presumably? or after data has been passed to this component via props...

With regards to the cohort list item: I am unsure if the cohort API on the server has a picture for the cohort. Don;t think we do, you mihgt want to replace that with the cohort initials?

dogezen commented 1 year ago

Please provide also some details about the layout: are you going to use CSS grids?

Auenc commented 1 year ago

with its necessary props

Can you add what an example of that these props are?

If these are the props, perhaps it can be a little more clear (they might not be, I am unsure)

Have a Picture of the Cohort Cohort Name Cohort ID

Map though the Cohorts inside Database and return the component {CohortListItem} with its necessary props

As @dogezen mentioned. This will be happening on the client side, so we won't be mapping through the database.

If you can make these two points more clear, I think this will be ready to do!

Auenc commented 1 year ago

Looks good to me!