User has many conversations
Conversation has many ConversationMembers
User has many ConversationMembers
Conversation has many messages.
A Conversation has an id, name, a user id, and timestamps.
ConversationMember is the join table - this has a conversation id and a user id
A message has an id, a user ID, a conversation ID, content, timestamps
Check List
Before PR
[ ] Have tested locally using ThunderClient/Postman/etc.
[ ] For any new APIs, have documented in the
[ ] Have included and tested any required schema changes
[ ] Have handled all error cases (try/catch, checked user input, etc.)
[ ] Error messages are consistent with the rest of the code
[ ] Correct HTTP Response codes and verbs are used
[ ] Code confirms to the existing style and structure
[ ] No warnings or errors are reported when using the API
[ ] If modifying an existing API the client app already uses, have verified locally the client app still works as expected with changes
[ ] If adding a new API, any developers working on the client have reviewed the request params and expected responses
After PR Merge
[ ] Have verified the API works on the deployed build using ThunderClient/Postman/etc.
[ ] Have verified any requ
ired schema updates have been applied cleanly
[ ] If modifying an existing API the client app already uses, have verified the deployed client app still works as expected
User Story
User has many conversations Conversation has many ConversationMembers User has many ConversationMembers Conversation has many messages.
A Conversation has an id, name, a user id, and timestamps. ConversationMember is the join table - this has a conversation id and a user id A message has an id, a user ID, a conversation ID, content, timestamps
Check List
Before PR
After PR Merge