boolean-uk / team-dev-server

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#37 As an existing user, so that I know I might have mis-typed my login details, I want an error message to be displayed when I'm unable to login. #219

Closed tuesdah closed 2 years ago

tuesdah commented 2 years ago


Will use username acquired from login form to search db for matching user, if username isn't found an error message is returned "Invalid Username or Password". If username does match, password hash is compared with the users password on the db using bcrypt. If the password's don't match the error message above is returned.

Will require JWTwebtoken package and bcrypt.

        where: {
            username: username

    if (!foundUser) {
        return res.status(401).json({ error: 'Invalid username or password.' });

    const passwordsMatch = await, foundUser.password);

    if (!passwordsMatch) {
        return res.status(401).json({ error: 'Invalid username or password.' });
vherus commented 2 years ago

Where will you implement this? The app already has authentication, is there a specific area of the code you'll be modifying?