booleanbites / houzi-support

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changing the default empty image on app #122

Closed quitriz closed 6 months ago

quitriz commented 6 months ago


Where do i go to fix this image please ? the one in the app, not in the houzez website.

thanks emptyprofile

AdilSoomro commented 6 months ago

Open following file:


find the imageIcon and you can use any other google material icon there to replace the icon.

/// Shimmer Effect Image Error Widget Icon
static IconData imageIcon = Icons.image_outlined;

However if you want to use icon other than google material, you need to edit the _shimmerEffectImageErrorIcon. You can find its declaration like below:

_shimmerEffectImageErrorIcon = Icon(AppThemePreferences.imageIcon, size: AppThemePreferences.shimmerEffectImageErrorIconSize, color: isDark ? AppThemePreferences.shimmerEffectErrorIconColorDark : AppThemePreferences.shimmerEffectErrorIconColorLight);

You can provide your own icon there.

If you need to entirely edit the widget, you can find the shimmer_effect_error_widget.dart file at


Edit this file and design however you want it to look like.

Important: Don't forget to migrate this file to next version when you want to update to next Houzi release.

quitriz commented 6 months ago


Thank you very much. let me trỵ please don't close this yẹt .. thanks

quitriz commented 6 months ago


I am really appriciated u point this out, seem hard for me if i want to load a local custom icon ... is there a way you can just write the line of code that just need to load the custom icon name emptyicon.gig or emptyicon.svg or emptyicon.ico or anything that works?
