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Houzi Builder - Location #129

Closed marios858 closed 5 months ago

marios858 commented 6 months ago

Hello ,

Am houzez theme pick up from map auto fill the state field as city i had to translate the state into city and the city into area, now from the Houzi builder trying on the search to setup a location_picker it recognize only City as location , how is it possible to change it to have radius for state instead?

Thank you.

AdilSoomro commented 6 months ago

Hi, currently it is not possible without editing the app source code.

It will be added on future release.

marios858 commented 6 months ago

Thanks , i contacted Houzez as well if there is an option to use instead of state the city in the map auto complete location , as only in US there are the states.

AdilSoomro commented 6 months ago

The choice is yours. It depends on the country you are targeting.

Some countries have states, some use provinces, some use regions.

So it depends on how you approach this.

Which country are you working in. And what's you trying to accomplish?

marios858 commented 6 months ago

I am working with Cyprus , so it has only Cities and Areas , From houzez Geolocation its picks automatically and fill the State as country , i had to translate this string , i don't wanna touch the taxonomies as it might brake the hierarchy.

The location (radius search) of the Houzi its based on the cities , i would just like to switch it to States and my issue will get solved.

AdilSoomro commented 6 months ago

Hi, the location radius search is based on google places autocomplete api, and the keyword it uses is 'address'. Which means, it'll fetch address type suggestion and show in the ui.

If you open fetchSuggestions() function from following file:


you should see:

request = '$input&types=address&key=$apiKey&sessiontoken=$sessionToken';

Please notice the parameter types as it only fetches address type of suggestion from google places api.

Once we get the selected item, we simply get its lat-lng and send to our Houzi Rest Api, where it queries the listings near to the provided lat-lng.

Country, State, City taxonomies shouldn't matter in this search.

AdilSoomro commented 5 months ago

Hi, do you still need help on this?

marios858 commented 5 months ago

I think we can close this ticket , just a quick question any way we can use the openstreetmaps instead of google maps?

AdilSoomro commented 5 months ago

Thanks for confirmation. We've plans to add OSM later in some future release.