booleanbites / houzi-support

Support forum repo for issues & bugs reported for Houzi Flutter App.
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Admin Access are gone after upgraded #156

Closed quitriz closed 6 months ago

quitriz commented 6 months ago


after upgraded, when I logged in, all the list of new posted properties waiting to be moderated are not displaying, seem the admin user I logged in doesn't recognize admin access. last time you guys sent me a fix to fix this, but this happened again after update to new release and it gone back like before and I don't remember what you fix did you send anymore. can you please send again ? note: admin login is just like regular user, can not do moderation nor see any list of of other postings


quitriz commented 6 months ago


MuhammadSulemanSaleem commented 6 months ago

Hi there, Please share your Wordpress URL on following email address:

quitriz commented 6 months ago

last time you sent me a fix and it's done when i first upgrade to 1.3.8 ... now when i upgraded to 1.3.9 which happened again cuz the code was not moved over.

MuhammadSulemanSaleem commented 6 months ago

That particular fix is already added to this release. If you are still facing some issues, the issue might be something else. If you share following items on above mentioned email address, we can troubleshoot the issue and help you resolve it.

  1. Wordpress URL.
  2. Admin user credential (as you are facing the issue for admin user).
  3. Your app secret (if you are using the nonce security feature, if not then skip it).
quitriz commented 6 months ago

thank you, i forgot to update the rest-api to 1.3.9, that fixed the issue .. thanks
