booleanbites / houzi-support

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Account balance or wallet like #166

Closed quitriz closed 2 months ago

quitriz commented 2 months ago


Is there a way we will have an account balance with Houzi ? like when a person have credit in their account and everytime he/she post a property the balance deducted certain about of credit according to the default amount which is set, like 10 credit per listing .. etc.. and when they click on their account they can check their credit balance how much they have left.


AdilSoomro commented 2 months ago

Hi, the membership and payment are leveraged from Houzez. And Houzez offers only three type of payment and membership option, which are:

And these options are widely used in implemented in website places. Naturally these three options are available in mobile app.

Additionally, membership packages are already offering kind of a balance like option, where a user can buy a certain number of listings or featured listing, and they consume these options to avail the facility in this package.

We won't be implementing any custom membership or payment concept that is not available out of box. You will need to implement any custom situation both on website and mobile app yourself.