booleanbites / houzi-support

Support forum repo for issues & bugs reported for Houzi Flutter App.
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maximum number of uploaded images #193

Open samac01 opened 1 month ago

samac01 commented 1 month ago

How do I set the maximum number of uploaded images in the application to be 5, because in the site settings I set the maximum to 5 images only, but the application can upload an unlimited number of images? And thanks

AdilSoomro commented 1 month ago

@MuhammadSulemanSaleem can we get the saved number of photos in touch-base and limit the photos uploading in add listing to that number?

MuhammadSulemanSaleem commented 1 month ago

Please follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Download the plugin and update it on your Wordpress site.
  2. Make a backup of your project.
  3. Download the file.
  4. Unzip the file.
  5. Copy the constants.dart file.
  6. Go to the PROJECT_NAME > packages > houzi_package > lib > common > constants.dart
  7. Replace the file with the copied file.
  8. Copy the property_media.dart file.
  9. Go to the PROJECT_NAME > packages > houzi_package > lib > pages > add_property_pages > property_media.dart
  10. Replace the file with the copied file.
  11. Copy the utility_methods.dart file.
  12. Go to the PROJECT_NAME > packages > houzi_package > lib > files > generic_methods > utility_methods.dart
  13. Replace the file with the copied file.
  14. Unzip the file.
  15. Go to the PROJECT_NAME > assets > localization
  16. Replace the files with the unzipped ones.
  17. If you have some custom localized strings, we recommend you to carefully move those string manully.
  18. Perform flutter clean.
  19. Run the app.

I hope this will help you resolve the issue.

MuhammadSulemanSaleem commented 1 month ago

Hi there,

Is your issue resolved or do you need further assistance?

samac01 commented 1 month ago

Hi Mr Mohamed thank you I still not doing because I'm on vacation, please Mohamed can I ask you why no one can sign up for new user


AdilSoomro commented 1 month ago

Hi, can you make sure you have enabled user registration on Wordpress admin panel.

  1. Goto admin panel > settings > general. Find option “Anyone can register” and enable this check box.
  2. Also go into Theme Option > Login and Register > Display Register. Make sure it is set to YES.
samac01 commented 1 month ago

Yes all working and also on sign up showing only bayer and saler Screenshot_20240815_214158_Chrome.png





AdilSoomro commented 1 month ago

So what is your issue now?

samac01 commented 1 month ago

Sing up no one can register and in account type available only bayer and saler I try to change on admin panel but on app not same screen shot

AdilSoomro commented 1 month ago

Can you confirm if you are using Houzi Rest Api plugin from here

Also, in one of your above screenshot, you have disabled Seller role. All other roles are enabled.

Can you try clearing your cache on your website and then quit and relaunch the app.