booleanbites / houzi-support

Support forum repo for issues & bugs reported for Houzi Flutter App.
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Houzibuilder #5

Closed mohammed108 closed 1 year ago

mohammed108 commented 1 year ago

Hi houzibuilder not working, you failed and purchase code is false

AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago

Post screenshot of Houzi Builder and website address of your website.

mohammed108 commented 1 year ago

jwt auth key setup verification failed . Just only

AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago

You need to setup JWT Auth Plugin by following the guide here:

Notably, you need to setup secret key in your wp-config.php file of wordpress.

mohammed108 commented 1 year ago

I do not know

AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago

You need to access your website files from FileZilla or CPanel of your hosting, then open wp-config.php file and add a secret key there. Then upload the file again to the same place.

Here's a screenshot of FileZilla: wp-config-filezilla

Here's screenshot of wp-config file: wp-config-file

mohammed108 commented 1 year ago

How application files are run and executed

AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago

You need to open houzi flutter app in Android Studio. For this, you need to setup few things before running the app. Follow tool setup guides here:

mohammed108 commented 1 year ago

DS_store what this file

mohammed108 commented 1 year ago

When you open an Android Studio app, just open the houzi-flutter-app file

mohammed108 commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to open the application file in eclipse android tools?

AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago

No, Flutter is officially supported in Android Studio and VSCode. Eclipse isn’t supported by Flutter. Android Studio is best, if you want to run app.

mohammed108 commented 1 year ago

Is it necessary to create firebase in the application?

mohammed108 commented 1 year ago

Too many errors in import


AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago

Yes, firebase is necessary to configure.

From the screenshot, it seems Flutter isn’t set up in your Android Studio. Have you setup flutter in your Android Studio?

App Localization files are auto-generated files, which means when you will compile the project, then these import errors will resolve.

Additionally, Set path library version to 1.8.2 in pubspec, please goto pubspec file:

houzi > packages > houzi_package > pubspec.yaml

And set version to already written path library version to 1.8.2 from 1.8.1

One more thing, Latest firebase configuration introduced a breaking change in library. to solve, add this dependency in pubspec :

firebase_core_platform_interface: 4.5.1
mohammed108 commented 1 year ago

Why is there no video explaining each application? I don't know anything what to do

mohammed108 commented 1 year ago

Please I need solutions my problem now

AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago

Please follow our documentation to setup Flutter, Android Studio and read other related helpful material here:

mohammed108 commented 1 year ago

Who created firebase and linked it to the application, do I change the existing google-services file and where the files are located, or add the file to the one I created with the new firebase

AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago

After acquiring the json and plists for both platforms. Place them at following places:

Android: Project_HOME > android > app > google-services.json

and for iOS

iOS: Project_HOME > ios > Runner > GoogleServices-Info.plist
mohammed108 commented 1 year ago

I need a video to understand anything please

mohammed108 commented 1 year ago
