booleanbites / houzi-support

Support forum repo for issues & bugs reported for Houzi Flutter App.
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First setting of my Android App #58

Closed illimito closed 10 months ago

illimito commented 1 year ago

Hello booleanbites team,

1) about building my app When i run flutter build apk, my apk is build but with the following message. I just want to be sure if no issue will be when using the app.

Building with sound null safety

Warning: �l�ment inattendu (URI : "", local : "extension-level"). Les �l�ments attendus sont <{}codename>,<{}layoutlib>,<{}api-level> Warning: �l�ment inattendu (URI : "", local : "base-extension"). Les �l�ments attendus sont <{}codename>,<{}layoutlib>,<{}api-level> Warning: �l�ment inattendu (URI : "", local : "base-extension"). Les �l�ments attendus sont <{}codename>,<{}layoutlib>,<{}api-level> Format incorrect du param�tre - Running Gradle task 'assembleRelease'... 55,3s

i'm using flutter 3.7.7 with Android Studio Electric Eel | 2022.1.1 Patch 2

2) What this stands for? "locale_in_url": "Do not change url",

3) I need to set my currency symbole to CFA instead of $ (dollar) And my unit of area measure to m² (square meter) as i did in my houzez website.

4)about deep links should provide both production and development sha256? And how do you recommend to get the sha256?

5) In Settings & Privacy of the app How to set the theme mode (dark, light) to automatically use the user System Settings as default.

6) what is the need of adding config data in > houzi Api > App Config if i've set up everything in my app configuration file? > assets > configurations.json

7) what is the real difference between Home Carousel, Home Elegant and Home Location apart from their header? How can i change display of properties in each Home? For example list display in Home Elegant and carousel display in Home Carousel?

8) How can make Featured Properties and Recent searches to be listed instead of Carousel in Homme Tabbed?

9) How can i properly do to use only 2 languages in my app?

10) I need to remove some details in Adding Property section as i did in my Houzez website. How can i remove for example Price prefix, Second price, Year build, zip code and Sub Listings? And how to set some details required and some others optionnal? Is it ok if i've set from my Houzez website already?

11) As you can see on the attached screenshot, in CRM Dashboard, when the name is long, message and call buttons (icons) are out of the screen. how to make them get to the next line in this case?

12) Actions on Property that are available in User account are only Edit, Delete and Put on hold. How can i add View stats, Duplicate and Set as featured?

13) How to change this map placeholder image you can see on the screenshot?

Thanks screenshot 2 screenshot 3 screenshot 1

AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago


  1. Yes, this is totally fine. These are warnings from underlaying dependencies. So don't worry about these.
  2. If you want to use language dependant rest apis, then app will append selected lang code in url. in this particular settings, it is not appending lang code to the url. Read Details: Localized URL for WPML
  3. Once currency set on Houzez Theme Options, it'll automatically reflect in the app, just relaunch the app. Also don't forget to clear cache on website if it is not reflecting on mobile app.
  4. Yes, you'll need to provide two SHA256, we already have provided two sets of configurations in assetlinks json file. There're many ways to get sha256. Follow this guide: Add a SHA fingerprint
  5. Open file packages/houzi_package/lib/files/theme_service_files/theme_notifier.dart and replace the line # 32 with this line: String themeMode = ThemeStorageManager.readData(THEME_MODE_INFO) ?? SYSTEM_THEME_MODE;
  6. The plugin config is used to deliver new configurations over the air. Once you bundle the config in the app, you can later change the config in Houzi Api Plugin and when app will receive the config with higher version number than the one it already has, it'll prefer that config.
  7. Yes, header and layout difference. You cannot keep two homes with different layout. The layout config behind these home is single. They're there as a sample to show possibilities.
  8. We've designed homes just for a sample. You can change the layout by editing each section and selecting view type as carouse or list via Houzi Builder but it'll be applied to all homes.
  9. Remove all unwanted language codes from the list in hooks_v2 LanguageHook getLanguageCodeAndName(). Read more about language hook here: Language Hook
  10. We're working on this feature right now. It'll be released in upcoming version.
  11. It'll be fixed in upcoming version. If you want to fix this in coding, CRMContactDetail is the class that needs to be addressed. FilePath: packages/houzi_package/lib/pages/crm_pages/crm_pages_widgets/board_pages_widgets.dart
  12. It'll be added in some future versions. No date on that for now.
  13. We're using one default placeholder for all placeholder needs. If you want to provide custom map placeholder, you can use property details hooks and provide your own widget that can provide your custom placeholder for map. Read about property detail design hook here: Design sections in Property Details. Checkout pd_static_map_address.dart in source code and return something like this for 'article_map'. Otherwise directly edit pd_static_map_address.dart and do something for ShimmerEffectErrorWidget which is used when there's error with map photo. On the side note, it seems your google-cloud and static map and api keys aren't properly configured in the app, that's why you're seeing a default placeholder instead of a map. Checkout here Setup Google Cloud
illimito commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for your support. Everything is going better.

14) After following all instructions here, my launcher icon is still Houzi icon instead of my own. I've tried several times. See the screenshot.

15) Please, is it possible to set an icon on whatsapp button?

About point 5) to use system mode (dark or light). I did it, it works. Please; now, how to make it be ticked so that the user will get that it's currently set to his system? See Screenshot


sreenshot 1 sreenshot 2 sreenshot 3

AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago

5- Open file packages/houzi_package/lib/pages/app_settings_pages/dark_mode_setting.dart and replace the code from line # 23 with these lines:

    String themeMode = ThemeStorageManager.readData(THEME_MODE_INFO) ?? SYSTEM_THEME_MODE;
    if(mounted) setState(() {
      if (themeMode == DARK_THEME_MODE) {
        _darkModeSelectedOption = 0;
      }else if (themeMode == LIGHT_THEME_MODE){
        _darkModeSelectedOption = 1;
      }else if (themeMode == SYSTEM_THEME_MODE){
        _darkModeSelectedOption = 2;

14- Android uses adaptive icon approach, which is explain in third section of that doc. Adaptive icon is more modern approach. If you don't want to use adaptive icon, remove this file: Project_HOME > android > app > src > main > res > mipmap-anydpi-v26 / ic_launcher.xml it'll remove default Houzi icon from your app and show yours everywhere.

15- Open following file packages/houzi_package/lib/pages/property_details_related_pages/bottom_buttons_action_bar.dart and provide icon to the ButtonWidget for whatsapp.

illimito commented 1 year ago

Hello, Thanks again for your good support.

15) I gave up on the idea of inserting the Whatsapp icon. I'll wait until you find a better UI solution.

14) 1) About App icons this is what i did. I generated Flutter Launcher Icons with Commande run and it's ok.

14) 2) Then, about Adaptive Icons (Android), I gone to android\app\src\main\res\mipmap-anydpi-v26 added in ic_launcher.xml this line

deleted icon_foreground.xml in android\app\src\main\res\drawable and added icon_foreground.png

It's working even though i've tested only on my android 11, I don't have android 13 to see if Monochrome works.., I really like to be sure if there is something else i should do.

Please can you help me again about the following if possible?

17) In user profile page, i wish to add company name (if possible linked) on the same line with the app name. So that it should be like: AppName by CompanyName Please help with the code to paste

18) In settings page, I wish to add another link just under "About Us" Please help with the code to paste

19) In the drawer menu, i've decided to keep 3 Homepages as you can see. Please help me to set each home style its Icon

20) There some untranslated words i found. In Property request page (Purchase, Rent, Selle, Miss, Evaluation, Mortgage) In drawer menu (Contact Us) In Search page (city, Area)

Thanks very much

AppName by CompanyName add another link each home style its Icon some untranslated words i found 1 some untranslated words i found 2 There some untranslated words i found 3

illimito commented 1 year ago

Let me add these 2 points to my previous comment while waiting for you to be avalable.

21) about Set Custom Map Icon I've followed the steps here but can't see my custom icon in the app

pubspec.yaml specify image path in asset section

- assets/map-marker.png

Then go to Project_HOME > lib > hooks_v2.dart. under getMarkerIconHook() method and add return "assets/map-marker.png";

22) My site URLs are glued with this postfix code ?v=707354872d4e Even if i enter or what ever link from my site, i will have this , https://AnyLink/v=707354872d4e ... I know it's not from Houzi App but can you give me an idea to remove it, I thought it was caused by these plugins Pinterest for Woocommerce or TikTok for Woocommerce or Jetpack, but after deleting them and clean my cache, i still get the potfix code.

Thanks once again

AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago
  1. You can check on any emulator having android 8 (api v26) or above.
  2. Open file at packages/houzi_package/lib/pages/home_screen_drawer_menu_pages/user_related/user_profile.dart and on line # 52, append company to appName variable. appName = appName+" by Company";
  3. Use Profile Hook. Read Documentation here: Add item in Profile tab
  4. to set custom icon for home: Open following file packages/houzi_package/lib/pages/home_page_screens/parent_home_related/home_screen_widgets/home_screen_drawer_widgets/home_screen_drawer_widget/home_screen_drawer_widget_listing.dart and provide icons for different homes from line # 407- # 411
  5. Simply add untranslated words to missing language translation file in Project_HOME > assets > localization > en_localization.json or fr_localization or whatever localization is having problem. Read more about localization here: Localization
  6. Make sure you are providing correct image path. For testing, you can return "assets/icon/google_logo.png"; to show google logo.
  7. Its definitely seems to be issues on your wordpress.
AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago

Any update on this?

illimito commented 1 year ago

Hello booleanbites team,

Sincerely, points 17, 18 and 21 still not working by my side. I'm not a coder. About point 20, all untranslated words are already there Project_HOME > assets > localization > en_localization.json and fr_localization.json as i downloaded fron envato. But they don't simply work in the app.

I've 2 new questions:

**23) After uploading my App to Google Play, it was rejected for the following reasons:** -- Issue with your app We found elements of your app’s store listing that appear to impersonate someone else (for example, another developer, company, entity) or another app. This implies that your app is related to or authorized by someone that it isn’t.

Refer to the following “Issue details” for further information on where we’ve identified this issue in your app’s store listing. Any words, phrases, images, or videos that could mislead users about your app’s relationship to someone else or another app must be removed. Issue details

We found an issue in the following area(s): Hi-res icon --

**I also received this notification: -- Your latest production release (1.2.0) has SDK issues** Le développeur du SDK a joint une note à cette version. Infos transmises par le développeur du SDK :

The SafetyNet Attestation API is being discontinued and replaced by the new Play Integrity API. Begin migration as soon as possible to avoid user disruption. The Play Integrity API includes all the integrity signals that SafetyNet Attestation offers and more, like Google Play licensing and better error messaging. Learn more and start migrating at --

24) about purchase key What if I come to decide to use as main domain instead of


illimito commented 1 year ago

My App Is now approved and live on google Playstore despite their warning message. Can you help me with points 17 and 18?


illimito commented 1 year ago

25) After submitting my App to Amazon App-store i got a review in my Amazon console and received a mail. As you can also see on attached screenshots.

Your app submission does not meet one or more of our acceptance criteria for some or all targeted devices. Failure reason(s) are listed below: We are unable to test your app due to install/launch failure in all compatible devices. Please fix the issue and re-submit the app. You can view our guidelines on the Appstore Developer Portal.

Amazon Content Policy Compatibility Failed. Reason for failure: We are unable to test your app due to install/launch failure in all compatible devices. Please fix the issue and re-submit the app. For Details on content policy, please click here.

Functionality Validation Pass Recommendations for your app We found unsupported Ad SDK(s) on your Fire Tablets app. We recommend using supported Ad SDK(s), it may help improve revenue from Ads.

Can you please help about this? Thanks amzon developer console mail received

AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago


It seems, Ads has nothing to do with the rejection. Unless we know exactly which device was failing to launch the app. We cannot know the real reason.

Long shot is to remove the google ads sdk from the app altogether, as it relies on GooglePlayServices, which don't exist on Amazon fire devices, resulting of failure in functionalities.

illimito commented 1 year ago

Hello sir, This is the message i received from Amazon team:


Thank you for reaching out. We would like to inform you that, after in-depth testing on your app we have observed the following issue(s): App Name : Viny Immobilier App Version/Package Name : 1.2

Issue Description: App displays error message Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Install and launch the app
  2. Tap on the hamburger icon on top right
  3. Tap on Connexion
  4. Tap on Log in with Google/Log in with Facebook

Actual result : Observed that app displays error message Expected result : App should not display error messages and should work as intended.

Affected device list: Fire HDX 8.9 WAN (2014), Non Amazon Android devices ( Android version 12)

Video link :

Please refer to the attached log file(s) and video(s) for further details. Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Best regards,**


AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago

From the video it seems the facebook isn't properly configured to login. Have you configured it properly?

Also, please test your app on amazon devices and check the logs and errors behind both of these issues.

illimito commented 1 year ago

Hello sir,

Please see my App video screenshot as everything is working perfect. Maybe Amazon has to publish the App first.

Then about my point 20) For some untranslated words i found. In Property request page (Purchase, Rent, Selle, Miss, Evaluation, Mortgage) In drawer menu (Contact Us) In Search page (city, Area)

Those words are already in files and translated in each language but they don't work for translation.


Uploading App screenshot with Facebook and google login working.mp4…

Amazon Facebook

AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago

Does your app work from GooglePlay?

illimito commented 1 year ago

Yes you can check

illimito commented 1 year ago

This Amazon message

Thank you for reaching out. We would like to inform you that, after in-depth testing on your app we have observed the following issue(s):

App Name : Viny Immobilier App Version/Package Name : 1.2

Issue Description: App displays error message

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Install and launch the app
  2. Tap on the hamburger icon on top left
  3. Tap on Connexion
  4. Tap on Log in with Google/Log in with Facebook

Actual result : Observed that app displays error message Expected result : App should not display error messages and should work as intended.

Affected device list: Fire HDX 8.9 WAN (2014), Non Amazon Android - OS 12

Please refer to the attached log file(s) and screenshot(s) for further details. Please let us know if you have any further questions. Viny Immobilier log.txt

AdilSoomro commented 1 year ago

Regarding facebook login, you'll need to properly configure hashes and other privacy policy related links on your facebook app.

Regarding Google login, it seems the amazon device is lacking google play services on its platform. You need to hide google login button if the play services aren't available on the device. Check this:

illimito commented 1 year ago

Hello. My app has stopped showing listings.