booleanbites / houzi-support

Support forum repo for issues & bugs reported for Houzi Flutter App.
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bug? #96

Closed quitriz closed 9 months ago

quitriz commented 9 months ago

hi, can u double check?

this seem to be mixed up btwn users, specially with this user in the video, the Tuan Dinh Ngoc user with a long google email address, i tried to shorten that see if the error fixed but not quite. can u pleas e fix, when i click view more it went blank screen, and when i list properties from that user it list someone else properties.

Hassan6197 commented 9 months ago

Hello @quitriz, Please share your URL.

quitriz commented 9 months ago

Hello @quitriz, Please share your URL.

Hi, you don't need the url, that's all in the video, I explained clear enough i think, you will see the same thing with the url, and yet, here is what the bug reproduced. with the users that registered or sigin by google that has the "Author" as their title will have that problem, people who signup with Agents title doesn't have that bug, seem like the query gone wrong btwn these keywords that don't group well (maybe you guy meant who signed as "Author" won't post their properties for sale? ), i haven't try other titles roles. so for now, whoever has "Author" title has that mix up problem. I didn't modified any of your codes just the configurations.json, localization files and ..../lib/common/constant.dart as showed in documentation. I don't feel comfortable to give out url or credentials (I can see what's going on with the setup), i report bug to you guys and you should check it, i would love to have them fix or maybe i am wrong then forget it. if it's fixed, it's good for me, good for you, cuz u need that too.

Hassan6197 commented 9 months ago

@quitriz Sometimes we need

Hello @quitriz, Please share your URL.

Hi, you don't need the url, that's all in the video, I explained clear enough i think, you will see the same thing with the url, and yet, here is what the bug reproduced. with the users that registered or sigin by google that has the "Author" as their title will have that problem, people who signup with Agents title doesn't have that bug, seem like the query gone wrong btwn these keywords that don't group well (maybe you guy meant who signed as "Author" won't post their properties for sale? ), i haven't try other titles roles. so for now, whoever has "Author" title has that mix up problem. I didn't modified any of your codes just the configurations.json, localization files and ..../lib/common/constant.dart as showed in documentation. I don't feel comfortable to give out url or credentials (I can see what's going on with the setup), i report bug to you guys and you should check it, i would love to have them fix or maybe i am wrong then forget it. if it's fixed, it's good for me, good for you, cuz u need that too.

To streamline the issue identification and resolution process, providing the URL is essential. With the URL, we can swiftly pinpoint the problem without needing to replicate all the scenarios from our end. This expedites the resolution process and ensures efficient problem-solving.

Hassan6197 commented 9 months ago

To solve the issue go to packages/houzi_package/lib/pages/realtor_information_page.dart then look for realtorDataMap() function. Replace the function with the following:

Map<String, dynamic> realtorDataMap(dynamic item){
    Map<String, dynamic> realtorMap = {};
      realtorMap = {
        REALTOR_SEARCH_NAME : item.title,
    } else if(isAgency){
      realtorMap = {
        REALTOR_SEARCH_NAME : item.title,
    } else {
      realtorMap = {
        REALTOR_SEARCH_ID : item[tempRealtorIdKey],
        REALTOR_SEARCH_NAME : title,

    return realtorMap;

Then go to packages/houzi_package/lib/providers/api_providers/houzez_api_provider.dart and look for provideAllPropertiesApi() function and replace it following:

  Uri provideAllPropertiesApi(String status, int page, int perPage, int userId) {
    var queryParameters = {
      'page': "$page",
      'per_page': "$perPage",
      'status': status,
      'author': "$userId",
    var uri = getUri(
      params: queryParameters,
    return uri;
quitriz commented 9 months ago

To solve the issue go to packages/houzi_package/lib/pages/realtor_information_page.dart then look for realtorDataMap() function. Replace the function with the following:

Map<String, dynamic> realtorDataMap(dynamic item){
    Map<String, dynamic> realtorMap = {};
      realtorMap = {
        REALTOR_SEARCH_NAME : item.title,
    } else if(isAgency){
      realtorMap = {
        REALTOR_SEARCH_NAME : item.title,
    } else {
      realtorMap = {
        REALTOR_SEARCH_ID : item[tempRealtorIdKey],
        REALTOR_SEARCH_NAME : title,

    return realtorMap;

Then go to packages/houzi_package/lib/providers/api_providers/houzez_api_provider.dart and look for provideAllPropertiesApi() function and replace it following:

  Uri provideAllPropertiesApi(String status, int page, int perPage, int userId) {
    var queryParameters = {
      'page': "$page",
      'per_page': "$perPage",
      'status': status,
      'author': "$userId",
    var uri = getUri(
      params: queryParameters,
    return uri;

Hi Hassan,

There you go :), you are good, you still don't need the url :). this is what i am talking about the professionalism, i was looking at the same place RealtorInfo as well, I am just not a programmer. and yes, thank you, i will do that.

quitriz commented 9 months ago

Hi Hassan,

It's now fixed. thank you.

quitriz commented 9 months ago

hi Hassan,

it fixed that problem but it created a other related problem, the moderation function stop working. when i logged in, all the users listings not appear on my admin screen for moderation anymore. Screenshot_20230919-195019.png

this is the new screen, all user listings are gone from my screen. test post is my admin screen.

and the next picture is the one is should be that i able to see other peoples post for moderation. Screenshot_20230919-195034.png

Hassan6197 commented 9 months ago

@quitriz Please mail me to resolve this issue.

Hassan6197 commented 9 months ago

The issue has been resolved. For future reference, please adhere to the following points:

  1. Go to packages/houzi_package/lib/blocs/property_bloc.dart file and look for the fetchAllProperties() function. In this function parameter change it from int userId to int? userId. Make it like the following line of code:

    Future<List> fetchAllProperties(String status, int page, int perPage, int? userId) async {
  2. Go to packages/houzi_package/lib/repo/property_repository.dart and look for the fetchAllProperties() function. In this function parameter change it from int userId to int? userId. Make it like the following line of code:

    Future<List<dynamic>> fetchAllProperties(String status, int page, int perPage, int? userId) async {
  3. Go to packages/houzi_package/lib/providers/api_providers/property_api_provider.dart and look for the fetchAllProperties() function. In this function parameter change it from int userId to int? userId. Make it like the following line of code:

    Future<Response> fetchAllProperties(String status, int page, int perPage, int? userId, {Map<String, dynamic>? options}) async {
  4. Go to packages/houzi_package/lib/interfaces/api_provider_interface.dart and look for the provideAllPropertiesApi() function. In this function parameter change it from int userId to int? userId. Make it like the following line of code:

    Uri provideAllPropertiesApi(String status, int page, int perPage, int? userId);
  5. Go to packages/houzi_package/lib/providers/api_providers/houzez_api_provider.dart and look for the provideAllPropertiesApi() function. Replace the function with following piece of code:

    Uri provideAllPropertiesApi(String status, int page, int perPage, int? userId) {
    var queryParameters = {
    'page': "$page",
    'per_page': "$perPage",
    'status': status,
    // 'author': "$userId",
    if (userId != null) {
    queryParameters["author"] = "$userId";
    var uri = getUri(
    params: queryParameters,
    return uri;
  6. Go to packages/houzi_package/lib/pages/home_screen_drawer_menu_pages/properties.dart and look for fetchAllProperties() function and replace it with the following code:

    Future<List<dynamic>> fetchAllProperties(int page) async {
    List<dynamic> tempList = await _propertyBloc.fetchAllProperties(status, page, perPage, null);
quitriz commented 9 months ago

Hi Hassan,

I noticed that after the fix for the "Author" thing, You have to logged in in order to views the posts on users' profile, but not the Agents, you can view even you are not logged ịn . is that right?
