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Loader - v3 to v4 data migration #368

Closed tlawrie closed 1 month ago

tlawrie commented 1 year ago

Flow v3 to v4 Model Changes

As part of v3 to v4, a data migration exercise is needed for the collections.

Note: we are not fully migrating the Workflow Activity.

Task Templates

Note: Task Templates have been flattened so there is no array of revisions, there is now a Document (Task Template) per version.

v3 v4 Change
id id no change
name name limited to alphanumer, lower case, and -
- displayName added
status status no change
description description no change
- labels new Map<String, String>
- annotations new Map<String, Object>
createdDate creationDate changed element name
lastModified - removed
- version added
- changelog Previously on the revision
category category no change
icon icon no change
verified verified no change
scope scope no change - set to global for all loader templates
flowTeamId - removed - now implemeneted via relationships on teams
nodeType type changed name and values - templateTask now template and customTask now custom
enableLifecycle - removed
revisions spec changed - see below model table of changes
- config a version of what was on the revision for the UI detail of params. This is the AbstractConfigurationProperty model.

Task Template Spec

Note: previously List<TaskTemplateRevision>. The Documents have been flattened.

v3 v4 Change
arguments arguments no change
changelog - moved to TaskTemplate
command command no change
config params changed element name - further changes to be made to the inputs to store UI related details in labels, rather than in with the params
envs envs no change
image image no change
results results no change
script script no change
version - moved to TaskTemplate
workingDir workingDir no change


v3 v4 Change
id id no change
name name no change
- creationDate added
shortDescription shortDescription no change
description description no change
icon icon no change
status status no change
triggers triggers no change for now
tokens tokens no change
labels labels changed storage from List<KeyValuePair> to Map<String, String>
- annotations added
storage - removed - now workspaces on workflow_revisions
scope scope no change - may be removed
properties - removed - now params and config on workflow_revisions
flowTeamId - removed - now implemeneted via relationships on teams
ownerUserId - removed - now implemented via relationships on user


Note: need to come back to. For now leaving as is.

Workflow Revisions

v3 v4 Change
id id no change
version version Integer instead of long
workFlowId workflowRef changed name
changelog changelog no change
markdown markdown no change
- workspaces previously on the workflows (not the revision) - model also changed
- params properties were previously a part of workflows (not the revision) - model also changed
dag tasks different underlying DAGTask vs Task model and name
- config a version of what was on the workflow properties for the UI detail of params. This is the AbstractConfigurationProperty model.


Note: Moved from fixed objects to a List of generic Workspaces

v3 v4 Change
- name new
- type new
- optional new
- spec new


    "activity" : {
        "enabled" : true,
        "size" : NumberInt(1),
        "mountPath" : "/workspace/activity"
    "workflow" : {
        "enabled" : false,
        "size" : NumberInt(1),
        "mountPath" : "/workspace/workflow"


Note: will only be created if enabled: true in v3

      "name": "activity",
      "type": "workflow",
      "optional": false,
      "spec": {
        "size" : NumberInt(1),
        "mountPath" : "/workspace/activity",
        "class" : "",
        "accessMode" : ""
      "name": "workflow",
      "type": "workflowRun",
      "optional": false,
      "spec": {
        "size" : NumberInt(1),
        "mountPath" : "/workspace/workflow",
        "class" : "",
        "accessMode" : ""


Note: extremely complex migration. Needs large testing datasets.

v3 v4 Change
taskId - removed
label name changed element name
type type Types may have changed
templateId templateRef changed from template's ID to name
templateVersion templateVersion no change
results results no change
- labels added
- annotations added
properties params KeyValuePair to Map
dependencies dependencies model change
metadata - removed. Added as an annotation.


v3 v4 Change
conditionalExecution - removed
taskId taskRef element name change
executionCondition executionCondition same
switchCondition decisionCondition element name change
additionalPropertieis - removed
metadata - removed. Added as an annotation.


v3 v4 Change
type - removed
inputs - removed
nodeId - removed. Added as an annotation.
taskId - removed
taskVersion - removed
outputs - removed
additionalProperties - removed

Workflow Runs

v3 v4 Change
id id no change
labels labels changed to Map<String, String>
- annotations new element
initiatedByUserId - removed - now initiatedByRef
initiatedByUserName - removed - now initiatedByRef
- initiatedByRef new
creationDate creationDate no change
duration duration Long to long
- startTime new - set to creationDate
status status Types have changed
- phase new - set to final phase
statusOverride statusOverride changed types - copy only if set - map to new status types
statusMessage statusMessage no change - copy only if set
isAwaitingApproval isAwaitingApproval no change - copy only if set
error ??? TBD
teamId - removed - now retrieved via relationships
userId - removed - now retrieved via relationships
workflowId workflowRef changed element name
workflowRevisionid workflowRevisionRef changed element name
trigger trigger no change
properties params changed model
outputProperties results changed model
switchValue - removed
Workspaces ??? TBD

Task Runs

Note: this collection is not being migrated

v3 v4 Change
id id no change
nodeId - removed
order - removed
taskName name added - I think - needs to be confirmed
type type no change
- labels added
- annotations added
- creationDate added
startTime startTime added
duration duration no change
status status altered status'
- phase added
- statusMessage added
error - ? should this be available
- params added - used to be on the workflow_revision
outputs templateResults altered structure
outputProperties results altered structure
preApproved preApproved no change
switchValue decisionValue changed name
- dependencies added - used to be on the workflow_revision
workflowId workflowRef changed name
template templateRef changed name
templateRevision templateVersion changedName
activityId workflowRunRef changedName
runWorkflowActivityId ? not sure
runWorkflowId ? not sure
runWorkflowActivityStatus ? not sure
- workflowResults added
approval ? not yet known

Task Locks

Model is the same, however have introduced support for Azure CosmosDB API for MongoDB which means the TTL and indexes are slightly different depending on MongoDB implementation.


v3 v4 Change
id id no change
workflowId workflowRef name change
activityId workflowRunRef name change
taskActivityId taskRunRef name change
teamId - moved to team relationship
actioners actioners no change
status status Underlying object name change from ApprovalStatus to ActionStatus
type type Underlying object name change from ManualType to ActionType. Enum task is now manual. Approval is the same.
creationDate creationDate no change
numberOfApprovers numberOfApprovers no change
approverGroupId approverGroupId no change


v3 v4 Change
id id no change
name name no change
- creationDate added
isActive status migrated to Enum of active, inactive
higherLevelGroupId externalRef renamed
labels labels changed storage from List<KeyValuePair> to Map<String, String>
ApproverGroups - removed - now separate in approver_groups parameters renamed. was under settings, bumped up a level
settings settings empty. future functionality
quotas quotas no change


v3 v4 Change
id id no change
name name no change
- creationDate added
approvers approverRefs changed model to a list of User Ids


Note: New to v4. Replaces the refs on objects

v3 v4 Change
- id added
- creationDate added
- relationship added
- fromType added
- fromRef added
- toType added

Supporting Models


v3 v4 Change
notstarted notstarted no change
- ready new
inProgress running changed name
waiting waiting no change
completed succeeded changed name
failure failed changed name
invalid invalid no change
skipped skipped no change
cancelled cancelled no change


v3 v4 Change
- active new
- inactive new
tlawrie commented 1 year ago

@amhudson @gchickma I have started the analysis on the data migration required. See above.

My plan is to focus energy on Task Templates, Workflows, Workflow Revisions, and collection name changes. Currently no plan to do task activity (now task runs) and in two minds on workflow activity (now workflow runs). -- I don't believe the historical activity not being available is the worst thing.

What are your thoughts on whether we bother, or if we just proceed with a partial (minimal subset of fields to make it show up as a workflow_run and not render the detail)

tlawrie commented 1 year ago

@gchickma @amhudson additional model comparisons updated..

tlawrie commented 1 year ago

@gchickma @amhudson this is now the alpha of the migration data model comparisons. Please review.

The main unknown is migrated all the ownerId / teamId etc to the new Relationships model.

tlawrie commented 1 year ago

Added support for Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB

tlawrie commented 1 year ago

Separated out v4 changes into separate class and changeset numbers

tlawrie commented 1 year ago

Added Team Changes

tlawrie commented 5 months ago

Need to update all this and move to the Architecture docs

tlawrie commented 1 month ago
