Open tissatussa opened 1 year ago
Booot does not use Ponder mode by default. Please, send parameters do you use in cutechess-cli and parameters of you machine.
Booot does not use Ponder mode by default
OK, but the option in CuteChess should work, am i right ?
..send parameters do you use in cutechess-cli..
i only used the GUI : in the game settings window i set the checkbox "Thinking in opponent's time" to TRUE.
..and parameters of you machine..
$ uname -a
Linux roelof-HP-Elite-x2-1012-G2 5.15.0-67-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 22 14:14:39 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
is this information good for you ?
Thanks. How much memory does you machine have? Seems the problem is in my data structure. They are unoptimal and may cause a problems. I will look on it tonight and most probably will change the binaries.
How much memory does you machine have?
btw. very few engines cause memory problems when using CuteChess, but Booot is NOT one of them.
you might create an UCI option to write a log file ? The normal UCI info output lines do not show any error etc. -- the engine just stops ..
i managed to compile the current Booot 7.1 source (see my #21) : now i have a valid AVX2-PEXT binary ! With this version i did another quick test : a quick engine-vs-engine game from a certain starting position, with Ponder ON .. the same happens : Booot 7.1 suddenly stops .. here's the screenshot and the (last) log lines :
<Booot v7.1(8): info currmovenumber 19 info currmove b6b5
<Booot v7.1(8): info currmovenumber 20 info currmove g6g5
<Booot v7.1(8): info currmovenumber 21 info currmove h6h5
<Booot v7.1(8): info depth 29 time 13402 nodes 17382099 nps 1296977
<Booot v7.1(8): bestmove c4e5 ponder g4g3
>SF Fat Titz Hybrid(7): ponderhit
>Booot v7.1(8): position fen 8/p5pp/1pk5/5p2/P1nn4/2NN3P/5PPK/8 w - - 0 1 moves h2g3 a7a5 g3f4 h7h6 h3h4 g7g6 g2g4 d4e6 f4g3 f5g4 g3g4 e6c5 d3f4 c4e5 g4g3
>Booot v7.1(8): isready
<Booot v7.1(8): readyok
>Booot v7.1(8): go ponder wtime 329888 btime 260767 winc 3000 binc 3000
<SF Fat Titz Hybrid(7): info depth 28 currmove g4h3 currmovenumber 2
<SF Fat Titz Hybrid(7): info depth 29 seldepth 51 multipv 1 score cp -436 upperbound nodes 4446934 nps 821376 hashfull 317 tbhits 0 time 5414 pv g4g3 c5d3
<SF Fat Titz Hybrid(7): info depth 29 currmove g4g3 currmovenumber 1
<SF Fat Titz Hybrid(7): info depth 29 seldepth 51 multipv 1 score cp -420 lowerbound nodes 4464940 nps 820911 hashfull 318 tbhits 0 time 5439 pv g4g3
<SF Fat Titz Hybrid(7): info depth 40 currmove f4h3 currmovenumber 19
<SF Fat Titz Hybrid(7): info depth 40 currmove f4g6 currmovenumber 20
<SF Fat Titz Hybrid(7): info depth 40 seldepth 51 multipv 1 score cp -432 upperbound nodes 177140488 nps 688202 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 257396 pv f4e6 e5d7
<SF Fat Titz Hybrid(7): info depth 40 currmove f4e6 currmovenumber 1
>Booot v7.1(8): stop
>SF Fat Titz Hybrid(7): stop
<SF Fat Titz Hybrid(7): info depth 40 seldepth 51 multipv 1 score cp -432 nodes 192092073 nps 693150 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 277129 pv f4e6 e5d7
<SF Fat Titz Hybrid(7): bestmove f4e6 ponder e5d7
>SF Fat Titz Hybrid(7): isready
<SF Fat Titz Hybrid(7): readyok
Yes - looks like a bug. I will research it today.
Yesterday i found the reason and fixed my structures. Thank you very much for your report again. Today engine plays test games. After it i will replace the binaries.
..Thank you very much for your report again..
it's my pleasure, and i'm glad you solved it !
btw. probably you'll not need this extra info, but i like to share it here : while solving another problem regarding Ponder (also a GitHub chess engine project) it seemed the "Ponder Hit" (!?) came "too quick" and so the application failed -- i'm not sure what this exactly means though .. HTH
hi, i used your Linux asset binarie(s) to run in CuteChess, but at some point in a game Booot fails by "connection lost" .. it happened several times .. i tried to solve it by setting Ponder OFF (*) and that seems to help !? Is it a bug ?
*) in CuteChess settings, Pondering is called "Thinking in opponent's time"