boopathikumar018 / docsify-darklight-theme

A Dark and Light theme with switch for your docsify site
MIT License
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Error with docsify option onlyCover=true #38

Open BlackRose01 opened 2 years ago

BlackRose01 commented 2 years ago


The problem is that when I set the option "onlyCover" to true then docsify is in an infinite render loop.

In my opinion the plugin tries to set the theme switcher button on the cover but on the HTML page of the cover there is no hook for it. But now your script tries to find the HTML tag and use the property "setAttribute". Here it needs a check for NULL.

A Screenshot from the error


The content from the specified file

window.$docsify.plugins=[].concat((e,t)=>{let o={siteFont:"PT Sans",defaultTheme:"dark",codeFontFamily:"Roboto Mono, Monaco, courier, monospace",bodyFontSize:"17px",dark:{accent:"#42b983",toogleBackground:"#ffffff",background:"#091a28",toogleImage:"url("},light:{accent:"#42b983",toogleBackground:"#091a28",background:"#ffffff",toogleImage:"url("}};if(t.config.hasOwnProperty("darklightTheme")){for(var[r,d]of Object.entries(t.config.darklightTheme))"light"!==r&&"dark"!==r&&"defaultTheme"!==r&&(o[r]=d);for(var[r,d]of Object.entries(o))"light"!==r&&"dark"!==r&&(o[r]=d,"--"+r,d));if(t.config.darklightTheme.hasOwnProperty("dark"))for(var[r,d]of Object.entries(t.config.darklightTheme.dark))o.dark[r]=d;if(t.config.darklightTheme.hasOwnProperty("light"))for(var[r,d]of Object.entries(t.config.darklightTheme.light))o.light[r]=d}else for(var[r,d]of Object.entries(o))"light"!==r&&"dark"!==r&&(o[r]=d,"--"+r,d));window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches?o.defaultTheme="dark":window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: light)").matches&&(o.defaultTheme="light");var i=e=>{if(document.getElementById("docsify-darklight-theme").setAttribute("data-link-title",e),document.getElementById("docsify-darklight-theme").click(),localStorage.setItem("DARK_LIGHT_THEME",e),o.defaultTheme=e,"light"==e)for(var[t,r]of Object.entries(o.light))"--"+t,r);else if("dark"==e)for(var[t,r]of Object.entries(o.dark))"--"+t,r)};e.afterEach((function(e,t){t(e='<div id="docsify-darklight-theme"><p>.</p></div>'+e)})),e.doneEach((function(){let e=localStorage.getItem("DARK_LIGHT_THEME");"light"==e||"dark"==e?(o.defaultTheme=e,i(o.defaultTheme)):i(o.defaultTheme),document.getElementById("docsify-darklight-theme").addEventListener("click",(function(){"light"===o.defaultTheme?i("dark"):i("light")}))}))},window.$docsify.plugins);
BlackRose01 commented 2 years ago

Maybe a quick-and-dirty fix for this problem

window.$docsify.plugins = [].concat((e, t) => {
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#### FIX END
    var i = (e) => {
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            (document.getElementById("docsify-darklight-theme").setAttribute("data-link-title", e), document.getElementById("docsify-darklight-theme").click(), localStorage.setItem("DARK_LIGHT_THEME", e), (o.defaultTheme = e), "light" == e)
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            document.getElementById("docsify-darklight-theme").addEventListener("click", function () {
                "light" === o.defaultTheme ? i("dark") : i("light");
}, window.$docsify.plugins);
BlackRose01 commented 2 years ago

Maybe a quick-and-dirty fix for this problem

window.$docsify.plugins = [].concat((e, t) => {
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        siteFont: "PT Sans",
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    e.afterEach((e, t) => t((e = '<div id="docsify-darklight-theme"><p>.</p></div>' + e)));
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        if (document.getElementById("docsify-darklight-theme") === null) return;
#### FIX END
        "light" == e || "dark" == e ? ((o.defaultTheme = e), i(o.defaultTheme)) : i(o.defaultTheme),
            document.getElementById("docsify-darklight-theme").addEventListener("click", () => "light" === o.defaultTheme ? i("dark") : i("light"));
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