boopeshwar / TestRepo

Defects of the initial version of the AUT
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Performance: RS-Reports application crashes in Access Format Report #12

Open boopeshwar opened 8 years ago

boopeshwar commented 8 years ago

Description: When the number of records in the database is higher, the RS Reports application crashes and shows "Not Responding" prompting user to force close the application.

While analyzing with the database file - Koc11801.db as in the below drive path:

The Features with respect to the count of data are as follows: BND - 7309, VLV - 2, DNT - 2, OVT - 1 WLD - 64, WTC - 4,

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. User clicks on the Access Format Report under the Geometry Reports,
  2. Initially the application loads for more than 5 seconds and then go to Not responding and later after 20 seconds, the Access midstream report appears in form.
  3. Close the report form and again click on the Access Format report.
  4. Now the application black out and does display the form as seen in the screen shot below.

Screen shot - for step 1 & 2 image

Screenshot for Step 4: image

Access mid stream report in excel format after a long wait for the application to respond again for reference. (The report was exported to excel at the instant the accessmidstream report form appears before it display any data.) Access MidStream Report.xlsx