boost-ext / di

C++14 Dependency Injection Library
1.13k stars 136 forks source link

[Question] How this library should be named ? #476

Open FranckRJ opened 4 years ago

FranckRJ commented 4 years ago

Hello, I wanted to add this library into conan-center ( ) but they're not sure how it should be named. Boost authors don't want it to be named "boost-di" because it's not a boost library. Have you any "official" suggestion on how we should call your library without having any conflict with boost ? Thanks !

krzysztof-jusiak commented 4 years ago

Is just di, okay/available?

On vcpkg it is

Croydon commented 4 years ago

On vcpkg it seems to be boost-di not just di

krzysztof-jusiak commented 4 years ago

Yeah, boost-di would be great, wasn't sure if that's an option?

  1. boost-di
  2. di
  3. ?
danimtb commented 4 years ago

there seems to be some controversy with the name "boost" regarding the boost organization. Also, just the name "di" is not very descriptive and not so easy to relate to this project 🤔

kanstantsin-chernik commented 4 years ago

I think it is ok. There is any other boost di in this world. Also, boost di is fully compatible with boost and implemented with the same license and standards. Of course, it could be a part of boost, but as it is open-source they are reallllly slow...