boost-ext / sml

C++14 State Machine library
Boost Software License 1.0
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No autotransition in sub statemachine #544

Open mechatheo opened 1 year ago

mechatheo commented 1 year ago

Today I wanted to update the Boost::SML library in our codebase, we used version 1.1.0 and I wanted to switch to 1.1.6. We have an extensive unit test suite and one of the tests failed.

We have the following state machine:


With a nested Playing machine:


All transitions are automatic, no events are needed. So in the unit test, you typically would set the result of the dice throw up front and when the state machine is instantiated, the test expected it to get into one of the final states immediately. So X or Success

This used to be the case with version 1.1.0, now that I'm trying to upgrade to 1.1.6 the endstate is Playing.Initial. This is especially weird to me, as the initial should always auto-transition.

We generate our state machines from the UML, here is the corresponding amalgamated code:


#include <queue>

namespace SubStateMachineExitPoint {

class UserData
    friend struct Callbacks;
    friend struct Machine;

    int m_dice{1};

struct Callbacks
    Callbacks(UserData& userData) : m_data(userData){}
    bool IsEven() { return m_data.m_dice % 2 == 0; }
    UserData& m_data; 

namespace _private {
namespace Events {
struct Lose : public boost::sml::utility::id_impl<2147483646>
    static auto c_str() { return "Lose";}
struct Anonymous : public boost::sml::utility::id_impl<2147483645>
    static auto c_str() { return "Anonymous";}
} // namespace Events

struct Lose
    static auto c_str() { return "Lose"; }
} // namespace _private

namespace Playing {

/* states */
struct Initial
    static auto c_str() { return "Initial"; }

struct ThrowDice
    static auto c_str() { return "ThrowDice"; }

/* transition table */
struct Machine
    static auto c_str() { return "Playing"; }
    explicit Machine(UserData* data) : m_calls(*data) {}

    auto operator()() const
        using namespace boost;
        using namespace boost::sml;
        using namespace Events;
        /* clang-format off */
        return make_transition_table(
            *sml::state<Initial> = sml::state<ThrowDice>,
            sml::state<ThrowDice> [([=](){return !m_calls.IsEven();})] = sml::state<_private::Lose>,
            sml::state<_private::Lose> / sml::process(_private::Events::Lose{}) = sml::X,
            sml::state<ThrowDice> [([=](){return m_calls.IsEven();})] / process(_private::Events::Anonymous{}) = sml::X
        /* clang-format on */

    mutable Callbacks m_calls;

} // namespace Playing

/* states */
struct Initial
    static auto c_str() { return "Initial"; }

struct Success
    static auto c_str() { return "Success";}

/* transition table */
struct Machine
    static auto c_str() { return "SubStateMachineExitPoint"; }

    explicit Machine(UserData* data) : m_calls(*data) {}

    auto operator()() const
        using namespace boost;
        using namespace boost::sml;
        using namespace Events;
        /* clang-format off */
        return make_transition_table(
            sml::state<Playing::Machine> + sml::event<_private::Events::Lose> = sml::X,
            *sml::state<Initial> = sml::state<Playing::Machine>,
            sml::state<Playing::Machine> + sml::event<_private::Events::Anonymous> = sml::state<Success>
        /* clang-format on */

    mutable Callbacks m_calls;

template <typename... SMPolicies>
auto MakeMachine(UserData& data) //-> boost::sml::sm<Machine, SMPolicies...>
    return boost::sml::sm<Machine, boost::sml::process_queue<std::queue>, SMPolicies...>{
        Machine{&data}, Playing::Machine{&data}};

template <typename Logger, typename... SMPolicies>
auto MakeMachine(
    UserData& data,
    Logger& logger) //-> boost::sml::sm<Machine, boost::sml::logger<Logger>, SMPolicies...>
    return boost::sml::sm<Machine, boost::sml::process_queue<std::queue>,
                          boost::sml::logger<Logger>, SMPolicies...>{
        Machine{&data}, Playing::Machine{&data}, logger};

} // namespace SubStateMachineExitPoint


the now-failing test then goes like this:

TEST(BoostSML, SubStateMachineExitPoint)
    using namespace SubStateMachineExitPoint;
    UserData data;
    data.m_dice = 2;
    auto winner = MakeMachine(data);

    data.m_dice = 1;
    auto looser = MakeMachine(data);

@krzysztof-jusiak any ideas on that?


Rijom commented 1 year ago

Reminds me a bit of this issue I was working on a while ago:

kpierczy commented 7 months ago

After some digging I think it was introduced with #331 . It can be fixed by removing: transitions_sub<sm<TSM>>::execute specialization for anonymous events. This however restores the guards-call-multiplication behaviour. I'm not sure how to fix it yet.