boost-ext / sml

C++14 State Machine library
Boost Software License 1.0
1.1k stars 173 forks source link

[Documentation] Who is using it #609

Open Alex0vSky opened 5 months ago

Alex0vSky commented 5 months ago

Hello sml community! I've done some work collecting Github projects using sml in one place.

Sometimes it was necessary to make changes to the documentation. I did this because I like elegance sml. But because at the moment the list "Dependency graph" is empty. The search for projects was done using the following query: boost-ext/sml NOT NOT path:posts NOT is:fork NOT repo:boost-ext/sml NOT repo:boost-ext/sml2 NOT repo:conan-io/conan-center-index NOT language:C++ NOT language:CMake NOT language:Nix NOT language:JSON NOT language:gitconfig. As you can see, the search was for those projects in which sml was explicitly stated in the documentation. Is it possible to post this list somewhere? Perhaps the list is not complete and I missed something and maybe someone would like to add to the list?

krzysztof-jusiak commented 5 months ago

That's pretty cool, thanks for doing that. I have a list of corporations and startups using sml, but I'm prety sure I can's simply share it here as it would likely violate some policies/NDAs/etc.

Alex0vSky commented 5 months ago

Yes, sml is very often used without being specified in the documentation. For example, if you search like this /sml.hpp NOT is:fork NOT repo:boost-ext/sml language:C++, then there will be 352 options. I will add them too, but it takes time: it’s not hard, you just have to wait a long time for a reaction. I do all this because I am sure that fsm lacks one important feature: convenient animated visualization. For example, looping endless playback with the ability to change data. Take an interesting or problematic state machine on a trip/travel and consider the options, reflect and modify. Recently, some initiatives have appeared in the "Mermaid" project - maiermic/reveal-md-mermaid-animation-example. This is not enough, but it’s nice to see like-minded people.