boostcampaitech2 / klue-level2-nlp-06

KLUE-RE - Relation Extraction
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[ADD] Added Configure setting #13

Closed BaekTree closed 2 years ago

BaekTree commented 2 years ago

No need to change confiturations in hard coding.

Added model configures as well

Moved the documentation of each TrainerAargument element to

config e.g.

     "TrainingArguments" : {
         "eval_steps" : 500,            
         "load_best_model_at_end" : false 
     "model" :{
       "huggingface": "klue/bert-base"

resolve #11

nayohan commented 2 years ago

코드잘봤습니다! PR해도 좋을거 같아요! 다른분들도 같이 보고가면 좋을거 같아요~

Jjackson-dev commented 2 years ago

하이퍼 파라미터 관리하기 쉽게 만들어주셨네요 좋습니다!