boostchicken / spring-data-dynamodb

This module deals with enhanced support for a data access layer built on AWS DynamoDB.
Apache License 2.0
152 stars 46 forks source link

Is this project still alive? #768

Open stephanrauh opened 1 year ago

stephanrauh commented 1 year ago

Both Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3 have been published in November, so I'd expect some activity here. However, the last commit is roughly a year ago and the last publish to Maven Central is two and a half years old. Is this repository still alive? Are you going to continue your great work?

Best regards, Stephan

aschade92 commented 1 year ago

I too am thinking of adopting this library but it'd be hard to justify without spring boot 3 support.

prasanna0586 commented 1 year ago

@boostchicken : Are you still planning to support this library? We are working on migrating our existing apps to spring boot 3 and we are using the v5.2.3 of this library today. Should we instead go with

joecotton-wk commented 1 year ago

@boostchicken I'd also like to know if this repository is still supported or not

garretwilson commented 1 year ago

I was actually going to file a ticket to ask a related question. This project is linked in the Spring Data docs as the "Spring Data module for DynamoDB". But from a cursory overview it looks like it's using the v1 SDK, and I'm not sure if it supports Java 17+.

I'm considering forking the project and bringing it up-to-date, including support for the latest Spring and JDK; as well as the latest Java features such as records. I wanted to get an idea of how much interest there is for this. I'm also wondering whether it should be done independently or as part of the official Spring project—and if the latter, how I would go about doing that.

prasanna0586 commented 1 year ago

I was actually going to file a ticket to ask a related question. This project is linked in the Spring Data docs as the "Spring Data module for DynamoDB". But from a cursory overview it looks like it's using the v1 SDK, and I'm not sure if it supports Java 17+.

I'm considering forking the project and bringing it up-to-date, including support for the latest Spring and JDK; as well as the latest Java features such as records. I wanted to get an idea of how much interest there is for this. I'm also wondering whether it should be done independently or as part of the official Spring project—and if the latter, how I would go about doing that.

That would be great! We are still using this project and we really like it. It would be great if this project can support JDK 17+ and AWS Java SDK v2.

garretwilson commented 1 year ago

I'm considering forking the project and bringing it up-to-date …

I'm still seriously considering this, but there are only four upvotes so var. I'd only want to invest the time and effort if there were significant interest. Maybe there's another forum I should ask in to get an idea of the interest.

vpavlyuk commented 1 year ago

I'm considering forking the project and bringing it up-to-date …

I'm still seriously considering this, but there are only four upvotes so var. I'd only want to invest the time and effort if there were significant interest. Maybe there's another forum I should ask in to get an idea of the interest.

Maybe some spring-cloud-aws forums?

sandfordn commented 1 year ago

I'm considering forking the project and bringing it up-to-date …

I'm still seriously considering this, but there are only four upvotes so var. I'd only want to invest the time and effort if there were significant interest. Maybe there's another forum I should ask in to get an idea of the interest.

Just wondering if there's been any movement on this? We're in the same position where we want to upgrade to spring boot 3.0 but there doesn't seem to be an alternative to this module unfortunately

garretwilson commented 1 year ago

Just wondering if there's been any movement on this?

I'm still deciding whether tackle this or not. I'm only interested in putting in the significant effort involved if someone will be using it, and so far I've only got a couple of thumbs-up and a couple of comments.

Either way, I will be creating a library that significantly eases DynamoDB development by abstracting object serialization and such. I just haven't decided if it's worth making it compatible with Spring Data if there is little interest in the community.

prasanna0586 commented 1 year ago

Just wondering if there's been any movement on this?

I'm still deciding whether tackle this or not. I'm only interested in putting in the significant effort involved if someone will be using it, and so far I've only got a couple of thumbs-up and a couple of comments.

Either way, I will be creating a library that significantly eases DynamoDB development by abstracting object serialization and such. I just haven't decided if it's worth making it compatible with Spring Data if there is little interest in the community.

Like I mentioned. We are using this library in PROD and your work here will be very useful for us.

akperrine commented 2 months ago

I'm going to pull this thread a little longer, although I can almost hear the tumbleweeds rolling through this ghost town. I don't know if I have the exact skill level to adopt this project as a lead, but I would be very much interested investing in this project to the best of my ability.

I'm specifically more interested in this project utilizing the AWS SDK for Java V 2.x, but also understand the advantage of supporting Spring Boot V3. I know that Spring data has been a great fit for MongoDB (from my experience). Would be cool for this to be somewhat true for DynamoDB as well, even if it is a community module.

prasanna0586 commented 2 months ago

@akperrine : I recently forked the project and upgraded it to use spring boot 3.2.5 and Java 17. It still uses AWS SDK Java V1. If you are interested in supporting this, feel free to use the code in this repository ->

I strongly believe this is a project worth contributing to.

mdaumen commented 2 months ago

I too have forked this and made a small effort on an experimental basis towards integrating spring boot 3 and aws 2.x apis. I applaud your efforts here and would love to help out.

stephanrauh commented 2 months ago

@akperrine Maybe it's a promise I can't keep - but, hey, after quickly scanning the source code, this project doesn't look like rocket science. Feel free to reach out to me if you've got questions when contributing to this project!

alex-arana commented 4 hours ago

I recently upgraded the dependencies in one of my Kotlin projects to use spring-data-dynamodb 5.2.5, Spring Boot 3.2.8 and Java 17. Since then, every time the service starts we get reminded that AWS SDK V1 is reaching end-of-life in the coming months:

2024-09-19T13:13:46.264+10:00 WARN 88673 --- [my-service] [ main] com.amazonaws.util.VersionInfoUtils : The AWS SDK for Java 1.x entered maintenance mode starting July 31, 2024 and will reach end of support on December 31, 2025. For more information, see

As the clock is now ticking away, is it time to face the reality that this project has effectively been orphaned and we should be moving on to something else?