Open snabili opened 4 years ago
Samples generation went on hold last night. Most probably some FNAL server error. I have released the jobs and if they go on hold again I will investigate further.
stdout snippet:
%MSG-w XrdAdaptorInternal: file_open 27-May-2020 23:43:21 UTC pre-events
Failed to open file at URL root://
----- Begin Fatal Exception 27-May-2020 23:43:21 UTC-----------------------
An exception of category 'FileOpenError' occurred while
[0] Constructing the EventProcessor
[1] Constructing input source of type PoolSource
[2] Calling RootFileSequenceBase::initTheFile()
[3] Calling StorageFactory::open()
[4] Calling XrdFile::open()
Exception Message:
Failed to open the file 'root://'
Additional Info:
[a] Input file root:// could not be opened.
[b] XrdCl::File::Open(name='root://', flags=0x10, permissions=0660) => error '[ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3011] Unable to open file /eos/uscms/store/user/lpcsusyhad/chpapage/filtered/RECO/step3_RECO_s-channel_mMed-100_mDark-10_rinv-0.3_alpha-0.2_HT400_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8_n-1000_part-1111.root; No such file or directory
' (errno=3011, code=400). No additional data servers were found.
[c] Last URL tried: root://
[d] Problematic data server:
[e] Disabled source:
----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------
exit code 84, skipping xrdcp
Update 05/28/2020:
histograms of the AK8 jets mass passing from pt > 200 GeV and pt > 500 GeV cuts that contain both dark quark and anti-quark (red) and the first three leading jets (blue):
in both histograms the first three leading jets (h_sig_fatmass) have higher mean than all the jets passing the cuts requirements (h_jetmass)
The samples with HT400 provided too low statistics so I submitted 100k events with HT100. GEN-SIM was submitted at 10:00 pm.
The job splitting was also improved.
update 06/01/2020 Mass of the jets including both qv/aqv for dR < 0.8 and pt > 200, 500 and 700:
Masses of the first three leading jets for the same cuts with both qv/aqv:
and finally comparison between first three leading jets and jets with both qv/aqv:
apparently the first three leading jets are more boosted than the other jets
delta phi of 2nd leading jets (2LJet) and the closest jet to MET (ClosestJet):
SoftDropTransverseMass: 2LJet and ClosestJet for signal samples:
clearly SoftDropTransverseMass is better than SoftDropMass there is a bump around SoftDropTransverseMass = 1000 GeV for ClosestJet still is not clear why it is there.
SoftDropTransverseMass signal and background (2LJet):
SoftDropTransverseMass signal and background (ClosestJet):
I've got some issues in plotting SoftDropTransverseMass using the subjets and trying to solve it next
Nsubjetiness: background shape is similar to the paper:
pt bins and comparison signal and background: not much difference with not binned samples:
it might be that we don't have a really large signal samples and we are suffering from the stats
Hi Thomas,
I started this issue on GitHub so we can journalize our study here. this thread is about the leading jets mass and the invariant mass of the signal samples.
this table shows the number of 1st, 2nd and 3rd leading jets that contains both dark quark and anti-quark in the filtered signal samples (mz=300 and rinv=0.3) for the pt > 500 AK8 jets: