boostercloud / booster

Booster Framework
Apache License 2.0
419 stars 87 forks source link

Required packages rimraf and tmsc not found while running boost deploy command #1378

Open mnlx opened 1 year ago

mnlx commented 1 year ago

Bug Report

Current Behavior

I'm following the booster framework getting started tutorial and running on a barebones newly deployed system. Everything is working as expected, except when I get to part 6.2 and run the command: boost deploy -e production which returns the following error:

[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] boost deploy -e production
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] Error: [ChildProcessError] Project contains compilation errors:
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] Command failed: npm run clean
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] sh: 1: rimraf: not found
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] npm ERR! syscall spawn
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] npm ERR! file sh
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] npm ERR! errno ENOENT
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] npm ERR! boosted-blog@0.1.0 clean: `rimraf ./dist tsconfig.tsbuildinfo`
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] npm ERR! spawn ENOENT
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] npm ERR! 
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] npm ERR! Failed at the boosted-blog@0.1.0 clean script.
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z] npm ERR!     /home/mo/.npm/_logs/2023-03-15T14_09_29_279Z-debug.log
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z]  `npm run clean` (exited with error code 1)
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z]     at /usr/lib/node_modules/@boostercloud/cli/dist/common/errors.js:18:12
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z]     at /usr/lib/node_modules/@boostercloud/cli/node_modules/@effect-ts/system/Effect/orDieWith.js:33:56
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z]     at Object.fold_ (/usr/lib/node_modules/@boostercloud/cli/node_modules/@effect-ts/system/Either/core.js:417:23)
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z]     at HandlerFrame.apply (/usr/lib/node_modules/@boostercloud/cli/node_modules/@effect-ts/system/Effect/foldM.js:33:52)
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z]     at FiberContext.nextInstr (/usr/lib/node_modules/@boostercloud/cli/node_modules/@effect-ts/system/Fiber/context.js:391:16)
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z]     at FiberContext.evaluateNow (/usr/lib/node_modules/@boostercloud/cli/node_modules/@effect-ts/system/Fiber/context.js:870:40)
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z]     at /usr/lib/node_modules/@boostercloud/cli/node_modules/@effect-ts/system/Fiber/context.js:558:47
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z]     at /usr/lib/node_modules/@boostercloud/cli/node_modules/@effect-ts/system/Support/Scheduler/index.js:20:22
[2023-03-15T14:09:29.295Z]     at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)

also happened to ttsc command:

[2023-03-15T14:23:18.964Z] sh: 1: ttsc: not found

Expected behavior

Booster should run the deployment and build the required resources in AWS.

Possible Solution

The issue seems to be with not having rimraf or ttsc installed in the system. Not that familiar with node, but shouldn't they run from local binaries in node_modules/.bin? When I installed them globally usin npm i -g, the command started working.


ShyanRoyChoudhury commented 5 months ago

Hi. Would love to fix this. Can I get it assigned to me?

BatatiDE commented 1 week ago
