boostorg / admin
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Enable repository creation permissions for boostorg members. #118

Closed danieljames closed 7 years ago

danieljames commented 8 years ago

Currently to transfer a repository into boostorg I have to ask the owner to transfer it to me, so that I can transfer it into boostorg. IMO it would be better if they could do that themselves. I think they could if we allowed repository creation in the 'Member privileges' section of the settings. So is it okay to turn that on? (I can do it, but wanted to check that it's okay).

Or if you know of a better way to transfer repositories into boostorg, please let me know.

danieljames commented 8 years ago

Oh, that might not work anyway. I was just transferring boostorg/fiber, and it said you needed admin permissions to do that. But still, if anyone has any ideas, please say so.

ldionne commented 7 years ago

I personally think it's no big deal if transferring to boostorg requires transferring to an admin temporarily. It's not like we have an overwhelming number of libraries getting in and this is a low hanging fruit for automation. I'd be okay with closing this (and I don't mind transferring new libraries if people ask me).