boostorg / algorithm algorithm module
Boost Software License 1.0
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Feature/longest increasing subsequence #7

Open mkurdej opened 10 years ago

mkurdej commented 10 years ago

A new algorithm: longest increasing subsequence that permits as well to find the longest decreasing/non-increasing/non-decreasing or differently ordered subsequence by defining comparison predicate. I have added tests for it using iterators, ranges, pointers and object's operator().

There are 2 functionalities actually: computing length (function longest_increasing_subsequence_length or method longest_increasing_subsequence::compute_length) and retrieving the subsequence (function longest_increasing_subsequence_search or longest_increasing_subsequence::operator()). There is also a creator function make_longest_increasing_subsequence.

There are 3 possibilities to retrieve the subsequence:

Documentation will come soon.

zamazan4ik commented 8 years ago

@mclow what do you think about this pull request? I think, these functions are very-very useful. We should add it to Boost.Algorithm.

Morwenn commented 6 years ago

I know this pull request is a bit old, but I had to compute the length longest non-decreasing subsequence of a sequence at some point (to compute the measure of presortedness Rem), which is notably one of the features proposed here, so I'm willing to share some thoughts about implementation details:

Now I'm not sure whether these improvements are useful since they are limited to the computation of the size of a longest increasing subsequence (I haven't try to compute the subsequence itself), which is rather specific, but it can be done to make the current proposed implementation more powerful if needed :)

mkurdej commented 6 years ago

@Morwenn, that looks like nice optimizations for lis_length. Especially space reduction in the average case seems very promising. Some people might be interested in lowering requirements to forward iterators too.

Anyway, I don't really work on this kind of things now and I don't have much time to work on this PR, so I let anyone interested hijack the authorship of this PR and continue the work.