boostorg / beast

HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
Boost Software License 1.0
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inactivity_timeout is triggered regardless of having received pings #2716

Open xim opened 1 year ago

xim commented 1 year ago

Version of Beast


Steps necessary to reproduce the problem

I'm using plain, async boost::beast::websocket for a server and a client.

I have a server that's sending ping packets at a 15s interval and keeping the connection alive correctly. I have verified that the client receives these and responds with pongs.

Since I have these ping packets going, I've added a timeout in the client to try to detect if the connection goes down:


I had assumed that this would be kept alive by the ping packets sent from the server, but it isn't. The client disconnects with the message The socket was closed due to a timeout.

Setting the final flag (keep_alive_pings) to true makes the client keep the connection alive by doing the same as the server's already doing. Given the server set to send ping frames at 15s intervals, this setting on the client:


Means I'll get this behaviour:

00:00 Client connects
00:15 Server pings as expected
00:15 Client pongs as required
00:30 Server pings as expected
00:30 Client pongs as required
00:40 Client pings despite having seen activity in the form of a ping

I feel is the desired behaviour would be to count incoming ping frames as activity. If that can't be made the default behaviour, could we try to add it as a config on boost::beast::websocket::stream_base::timeout?

xim commented 1 year ago

I made a somewhat-minimal reproduction at

Compiled and run by running each in a separate terminal:

g++ -g -std=gnu++17 websocket_server_async.cpp && echo running && ./a.out 8080 1
g++ -g -std=gnu++17 websocket_client_async.cpp && ./a.out 8080 'test'
klemens-morgenstern commented 1 year ago

What are you using as the tcp stream? Are you calling async_read perpetually?

xim commented 1 year ago

As shown in the gist, I made a somewhat-minimal reproduction with the example websocket_client_async.cpp as a base.

It's a websocket::stream<beast::tcp_stream> and I re-call async_read in the on_read handler

xim commented 1 year ago

Full code instead of patch at

Here, the server sends pings ever 1s and the client has a 5s timeout.

Client output:

read: The socket was closed due to a timeout

Server output:

read: End of file
xim commented 1 year ago

Made a PR. If you want this to be configurable, I can have a stab at that as well.

ashtum commented 1 year ago

I couldn't find any indication in RFC 6455 that either permits or prohibits the counting of control frames as a form of activity. Considering that this approach could potentially eliminate the need for extra ping-pong messages every n seconds for clients with enabled keep_alive_pings, introducing an additional parameter to the configuration could unnecessarily complicate matters for a feature that might see very limited use.

The only plausible options appear to be either counting pings as activity (assuming the standard allows for it), or maintaining the status quo. Users could opt to utilize the low-level API and manually implement ping-pong if they wish to minimize the transmission of extra ping-pong messages.

xim commented 1 year ago

I couldn't find any indication in RFC 6455 that either permits or prohibits the counting of control frames as a form of activity

Agree, the most precise is the phrasing A Ping frame may serve either as a keepalive or as a means to verify that the remote endpoint is still responsive.

IMHO it makes sense for control frames to count as activity.

this approach could potentially eliminate the need for extra ping-pong messages every n seconds for clients with enabled keep_alive_pings

Exactly, good summary there.

The only plausible options appear to be either counting pings as activity (assuming the standard allows for it), or maintaining the status quo

My vote is on the former =)

vinniefalco commented 1 year ago

Without thinking about it too much, I believe received pings should reset the timer, as they represent activity.

Regardless of what is changed, the library documentation should be updated to describe either the current or the new behavior of received pings with respect to timeouts if it is not already explained.

vinniefalco commented 1 year ago

assuming the standard allows for it

The specifications say nothing about what counts as idle activity. Ideally Beast would have great defaults that work for most people, while also allowing for the caller to have perfect control over customizing that behavior. However Beast has reaching close to the end of what can be done without incurring technical debt, so this ideal will likely only be approached in a new websocket library which will replace beast (this work has not started yet).

xim commented 1 year ago

Without thinking about it too much, I believe received pings should reset the timer, as they represent activity.

Does that mean we should proceed towards merging the PR, @vinniefalco? I can make additional adjustments or try to document more inline if you wish!

ashtum commented 1 year ago

@xim It would be great if you could add the relevant test cases to the PR; This is the appropriate location for including them:

xim commented 1 year ago

I don't see how I can test this without actually waiting for timers to expire. I mean, this test passes, but sleeping in the test like this is probably not OK?

echo_server es{log};
error_code ec;
stream<test::stream> ws{ioc_};
ws.handshake("localhost", "/");
flat_buffer b;
bool got_timeout = false;
    [&](error_code ec, std::size_t)
        std::cerr << ec.message() << std::endl;
        if(ec != beast::error::timeout)
        got_timeout = true;
BEAST_EXPECT(ws.impl_->idle_counter == 0);
BEAST_EXPECT(ws.impl_->idle_counter == 1);"", ec);
BEAST_EXPECT(ws.impl_->idle_counter == 0);
ashtum commented 1 year ago

It seems this how is how timeout cases are tested in the entire code base (searching for stream_base::timeout or test::run_for). Please ensure that you allocate a sufficient margin to prevent false failures caused by OS rescheduling; examining other test cases can provide a reference for determining the appropriate margin. @klemens-morgenstern is this the right way?