boostorg / beast

HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
Boost Software License 1.0
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websocket handshake differs from curl output, fails with obscure server #548

Closed larsonmpdx closed 7 years ago

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

beast version 67

note I have replaced the host with [host] throughout, I can privately share the real host to help testing

I'm using this curl command to handshake with a server based on a pascal websocket server (

curl -v -i -N -H "Connection: Upgrade" -H "Upgrade: websocket" -H "Host: [host]" -H "Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==" -H "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" https://[host]

I am trying to do the same handshake with beast, even copying the curl headers:

        beast::websocket::response_type res;
        ws.handshake_ex(res, host, "/",
                        [](beast::websocket::request_type &m)
                            m.insert(beast::http::field::accept, "*/*");
                            m.insert(beast::http::field::user_agent, "curl/7.47.0");
                            std::cout << m << std::endl;

        std::cout << res << std::endl;

the server accepts the curl connection but rejects the beast connection. the server's logs show that the headers are received with extra newlines or something like newlines in the case of beast:

server logs for curl connection:

Recv: GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: [host]
User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
Accept: */*
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

Sent: HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=
Server: sgcWebSockets 3.5

server logs for beast:

Recv: GET
Recv:  /
Recv:  HTTP/1.1

Recv: Host: [host]

Recv: Upgrade: websocket

Recv: Connection: upgrade

Recv: Sec-WebSocket-Key: lD7oPd7/ryIbKDcgimpDAA==

Recv: Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

Recv: Accept: */*

Recv: User-Agent: curl/7.47.0


Sent: HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Connection: close
Content-Length: 0
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 17:01:11 GMT
Server: sgcWebSockets 3.5
Location: login
Set-Cookie: IDHTTPSESSIONID=ANv2nTA6vZ8PuVx; Path=/

I also tested beast using mitmproxy ( instead of connecting to the server directly, and it works correctly in this case, as I assume mitmproxy is putting the headers together. I assume my problem has to do with the extra newlines in the beast output. This may be standards-compliant (I don't know), but it's making my server unhappy. Is there a way to change this?

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

Hmm, I don't think there are extra newlines in the Beast output. cUrl has them as well, you just don't see it because they filter it from the log (to avoid the double line spacing problem with Beast's output).

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

Is open source? Perhaps you could contact them and ask if their implementation correctly parses HTTP requests with the RFC-specified CRLF endings ("\r\n")

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

the server looks closed source, it's also kind of a black box to me as I don't operate it, I can just see log output

I think there is a difference in line endings between curl and beast, the server is just printing things as they arrive and is printing extra newlines, those must come from somewhere. Maybe it doesn't matter except for this:

Recv: GET
Recv:  /
Recv:  HTTP/1.1

curl has this on one line

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

That's a clue. What operating system, version of Boost, and compiler are you using to build your application?

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

ubuntu 16.04, boost 1.62.0 and gcc 5.4.0. I'm using this trick to use boost system as header-only #231

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

Its a very funny (or not so funny) coincidence that the serializer for basic_fields happens to chop up the request line into 3 pieces. Lines 179. 180, and 181 are for the request line pieces:

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

I don't think this is extra newlines:

Recv: GET
Recv:  /
Recv:  HTTP/1.1

Recv: Host: [host]

Recv: Upgrade: websocket

Is "Recv: ..." output coming from the sgcWebSockets? I think what's happening is that the server is receiving the header in multiple "chops" (TCP/IP packets) and it just happens to print a a newline when it sees "\r\n". So here, it got 3 chops with the last chop ending in "\r\n":

Recv: GET
Recv:  /
Recv:  HTTP/1.1

And here it got one chop which ended in a newline:

Recv: Upgrade: websocket

Both cUrl and Beast are sending correct HTTP WebSocket Upgrade requests, the difference is that cUrl is sending it in one buffer while Beast is sending it with several. There are two important questions we need to answer:

  1. Beast presents a vector of buffers to a single Asio write operation, so why are they going out fragmented? and

  2. Why doesn't sgcWebSockets server handle the case where an incoming upgrade request is fragmented?

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

I think your suspicion that sgcWebSockets is somehow not standards-compliant is probably correct. My next step will be to look at the packets, I haven't done that yet because my test server has ssl enabled. I can see that both curl and beast are sending a single ssl tcp packet for the request. The beast packet is slightly bigger which makes me guess that it has extra newline chars. I'll capture some unencrypted packets and report back

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

yes all output is from the server logs

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

The beast packet is slightly bigger which makes me guess that it has extra newline chars

That doesn't make sense because Beast serializes HTTP messages correctly. If it didn't, the tests would fail. This is quite a mystery!

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

right I am not suggesting beast is not standards compliant, just that there is some small difference from curl that is bringing out a problem with this server

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

cUrl must be standards compliant as well, if it wasn't - we'd know!!

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

Try replacing this line:

m.insert(beast::http::field::user_agent, "curl/7.47.0");


m.set(beast::http::field::user_agent, BEAST_VERSION);

Maybe the server is doing a special-case for cUrl?

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

no change with the different user agent against sgcWebSockets

here are the request packets from curl (top) and beast (bottom) against The headers themselves look identical, no extra newlines or anything

the commands to generate this are: curl -v -i -N -H "Connection: Upgrade" -H "Upgrade: websocket" -H "Host:" -H "Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==" -H "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" and sudo tcpdump -nnvXSs 0 "src host [your host] and dst port 80" plus the beast websocket client example

    GET / HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
    Accept: */*
    Connection: Upgrade
    Upgrade: websocket
    Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
    Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

    0x0000:  4500 00f7 4c59 4000 4006 9ccc c0a8 0168  E...LY@.@......h
    0x0010:  ae81 e049 b0be 0050 0994 9902 5f3b 171b  ...I...P...._;..
    0x0020:  8018 00e5 51c5 0000 0101 080a 012d d56e  ....Q........-.n
    0x0030:  0620 38e1 4745 5420 2f20 4854 5450 2f31  ..8.GET./.HTTP/1
    0x0040:  2e31 0d0a 486f 7374 3a20 6563 686f 2e77  .1..Host:.echo.w
    0x0050:  6562 736f 636b 6574 2e6f 7267 0d0a 5573
    0x0060:  6572 2d41 6765 6e74 3a20 6375 726c 2f37  er-Agent:.curl/7
    0x0070:  2e34 372e 300d 0a41 6363 6570 743a 202a  .47.0..Accept:.*
    0x0080:  2f2a 0d0a 436f 6e6e 6563 7469 6f6e 3a20  /*..Connection:.
    0x0090:  5570 6772 6164 650d 0a55 7067 7261 6465  Upgrade..Upgrade
    0x00a0:  3a20 7765 6273 6f63 6b65 740d 0a53 6563  :.websocket..Sec
    0x00b0:  2d57 6562 536f 636b 6574 2d4b 6579 3a20  -WebSocket-Key:.
    0x00c0:  6447 686c 4948 4e68 6258 4273 5a53 4275  dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBu
    0x00d0:  6232 356a 5a51 3d3d 0d0a 5365 632d 5765  b25jZQ==..Sec-We
    0x00e0:  6253 6f63 6b65 742d 5665 7273 696f 6e3a  bSocket-Version:
    0x00f0:  2031 330d 0a0d 0a                        .13....

    GET / HTTP/1.1
    Upgrade: websocket
    Connection: upgrade
    Sec-WebSocket-Key: x2euBA4jojHvJVBLciOhbQ==
    Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
    Accept: */*
    User-Agent: 67

    0x0000:  4500 00ee a1ee 4000 4006 4740 c0a8 0168  E.....@.@.G@...h
    0x0010:  ae81 e049 b0cc 0050 8313 e579 af83 859a  ...I...P...y....
    0x0020:  8018 00e5 51bc 0000 0101 080a 0130 45a5  ....Q........0E.
    0x0030:  0622 a822 4745 5420 2f20 4854 5450 2f31  ."."GET./.HTTP/1
    0x0040:  2e31 0d0a 486f 7374 3a20 6563 686f 2e77  .1..Host:.echo.w
    0x0050:  6562 736f 636b 6574 2e6f 7267 0d0a 5570
    0x0060:  6772 6164 653a 2077 6562 736f 636b 6574  grade:.websocket
    0x0070:  0d0a 436f 6e6e 6563 7469 6f6e 3a20 7570  ..Connection:.up
    0x0080:  6772 6164 650d 0a53 6563 2d57 6562 536f  grade..Sec-WebSo
    0x0090:  636b 6574 2d4b 6579 3a20 7832 6575 4241  cket-Key:.x2euBA
    0x00a0:  346a 6f6a 4876 4a56 424c 6369 4f68 6251  4jojHvJVBLciOhbQ
    0x00b0:  3d3d 0d0a 5365 632d 5765 6253 6f63 6b65  ==..Sec-WebSocke
    0x00c0:  742d 5665 7273 696f 6e3a 2031 330d 0a41  t-Version:.13..A
    0x00d0:  6363 6570 743a 202a 2f2a 0d0a 5573 6572  ccept:.*/*..User
    0x00e0:  2d41 6765 6e74 3a20 3637 0d0a 0d0a       -Agent:.67....
vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

Looks like cUrl is sending Upgrade capitalized:

Connection: Upgrade

Can you try editing your beast/websocket/impl/stream.ipp file and changing "upgrade" to "Upgrade" please? Here:

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

oh, sorry, yes I have tried both ways and there is no change, that was my mistake making them different here

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

You tried editing Beast source code?

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

I have no idea why this is happening, nor any way to reproduce it since I don't have access to the server. I don't know what to do here. I have contacted the company that produces sgcWebSockets and directed them to the issue. What I don't understand is why, if cUrl and Beast are both delivering the HTTP Upgrade in one TCP packet, and they are both producing the same or equivalent HTTP requests, then why does one work and the other not? And why is the server showing Beast's request chopped up? Its not because of newlines. But the chops happen to exactly coincide with how Beast assembles a buffer sequence to represent the header:

    using const_buffers_type =
            boost::asio::const_buffers_1, // <-- This is the "GET"
            boost::asio::const_buffers_1, // <-- This is the " /" (note, space precedes the text)
            boost::asio::const_buffers_1, // <-- This is the " HTTP/1.1\r\n" (note, space precedes the text)
            field_range,                  // <-- This is a series of fields
            boost::asio::const_buffers_1>;// <-- This is the final "\r\n"

Each field is represented by one buffer in the field_range including the colon, space, and CRLF, for example:

"Connection: upgrade\r\n" // <-- one element of the field_range

So the number of buffers in the buffer sequence that Beast writes to the socket is 3+N+1 where N is the number of fields. Back to your output:

Recv: GET
Recv:  /
Recv:  HTTP/1.1

Recv: Host: [host]

Recv: Upgrade: websocket

Recv: Connection: upgrade

Recv: Sec-WebSocket-Key: lD7oPd7/ryIbKDcgimpDAA==

Recv: Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

Recv: Accept: */*

Recv: User-Agent: curl/7.47.0


There are exactly 11 "Recv" lines, and 7 fields. 3 + 7 + 1 == 11. Somehow the server is seeing each individual buffer in Beast's buffer sequence.

You can try the following:

using namespace beast;
multi_buffer b;
ostream(b) <<
    "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
    "Host: [host]\r\n"
    "User-Agent: Beast\r\n"
    "Accept: */*\r\n"
    "Connection: Upgrade\r\n"
    "Upgrade: websocket\r\n"
    "Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==\r\n"
    "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n"

This will manually send a handshake. Confirm that this works, by looking at the server's output. Then try this:

using namespace beast;
multi_buffer b1, b2;
ostream(b1) <<
    "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
    "Host: [host]\r\n"
    "User-Agent: Beast\r\n"
    "Accept: */*\r\n";
ostream(b2) <<
    "Connection: Upgrade\r\n"
    "Upgrade: websocket\r\n"
    "Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==\r\n"
    "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n"
boost::asio::write(sock, buffer_cat(,;

Now see what happens at the server's end.

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

You tried editing Beast source code?

I changed the curl test to lowercase to match and that still worked with sgcWebSockets :) I did a test with "Upgrade" in beast's source code and there was no change

the sgcWebSockets test server uses ssl and I'm stumped at trying to pass a multi_buffer to the stream without using a ws.write() method, can you give some example?

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

Don't use beast::websocket::stream, use a raw boost::asio::ssl::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket>. There's source code for doing that here:

You want everything from lines 23 through 57, change the host and protocol accordingly (or use a manual port like "443"). Pass the stream to boost::asio::write. Sorry about this. But it will help us get to the bottom of it!

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

no problem at all, I will get to this in a couple hours. Thanks for all the help

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago



Yes it handles header lines and is full compliant with RFC6455. You can see compliant tests from:

Kind Regards, Sergio

2017-06-27 19:55 GMT+02:00 eSeGeCe This is an enquiry email via from: Vinnie Falco

Does your websocket server correctly handle "\r\n" at the end of lines in the HTTP header? Check this out:

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

The first case does get a proper response from sgcWebSockets. On the second test I get newline output right where the split is between the two buffer_cat() parts. Here is tcpdump output comparing the packets (when sent to - [host] seems to not matter so I didn't bother fixing it)

with buffer_cat() split

    GET / HTTP/1.1
    Host: [host]
    User-Agent: Beast
    Accept: */*
    Connection: Upgrade
    Upgrade: websocket
    Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
    Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

    0x0000:  4500 00e5 4b50 4000 4006 9de7 c0a8 0168  E...KP@.@......h
    0x0010:  ae81 e049 b150 0050 96f4 57b7 6674 6ca8  ...I.P.P..W.ftl.
    0x0020:  8018 00e5 51b3 0000 0101 080a 0171 1d10  ....Q........q..
    0x0030:  0663 80e4 4745 5420 2f20 4854 5450 2f31  .c..GET./.HTTP/1
    0x0040:  2e31 0d0a 486f 7374 3a20 5b68 6f73 745d  .1..Host:.[host]
    0x0050:  0d0a 5573 6572 2d41 6765 6e74 3a20 4265  ..User-Agent:.Be
    0x0060:  6173 740d 0a41 6363 6570 743a 202a 2f2a  ast..Accept:.*/*
    0x0070:  0d0a 436f 6e6e 6563 7469 6f6e 3a20 5570  ..Connection:.Up
    0x0080:  6772 6164 650d 0a55 7067 7261 6465 3a20  grade..Upgrade:.
    0x0090:  7765 6273 6f63 6b65 740d 0a53 6563 2d57  websocket..Sec-W
    0x00a0:  6562 536f 636b 6574 2d4b 6579 3a20 6447  ebSocket-Key:.dG
    0x00b0:  686c 4948 4e68 6258 4273 5a53 4275 6232  hlIHNhbXBsZSBub2
    0x00c0:  356a 5a51 3d3d 0d0a 5365 632d 5765 6253  5jZQ==..Sec-WebS
    0x00d0:  6f63 6b65 742d 5665 7273 696f 6e3a 2031  ocket-Version:.1
    0x00e0:  330d 0a0d 0a                             3....

without split

    GET / HTTP/1.1
    Host: [host]
    User-Agent: Beast
    Accept: */*
    Connection: Upgrade
    Upgrade: websocket
    Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
    Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

    0x0000:  4500 00e5 fe15 4000 4006 eb21 c0a8 0168  E.....@.@..!...h
    0x0010:  ae81 e049 b15a 0050 ad7d a98a 7d91 31ac  ...I.Z.P.}..}.1.
    0x0020:  8018 00e5 51b3 0000 0101 080a 0172 57b2  ....Q........rW.
    0x0030:  0664 bb87 4745 5420 2f20 4854 5450 2f31  .d..GET./.HTTP/1
    0x0040:  2e31 0d0a 486f 7374 3a20 5b68 6f73 745d  .1..Host:.[host]
    0x0050:  0d0a 5573 6572 2d41 6765 6e74 3a20 4265  ..User-Agent:.Be
    0x0060:  6173 740d 0a41 6363 6570 743a 202a 2f2a  ast..Accept:.*/*
    0x0070:  0d0a 436f 6e6e 6563 7469 6f6e 3a20 5570  ..Connection:.Up
    0x0080:  6772 6164 650d 0a55 7067 7261 6465 3a20  grade..Upgrade:.
    0x0090:  7765 6273 6f63 6b65 740d 0a53 6563 2d57  websocket..Sec-W
    0x00a0:  6562 536f 636b 6574 2d4b 6579 3a20 6447  ebSocket-Key:.dG
    0x00b0:  686c 4948 4e68 6258 4273 5a53 4275 6232  hlIHNhbXBsZSBub2
    0x00c0:  356a 5a51 3d3d 0d0a 5365 632d 5765 6253  5jZQ==..Sec-WebS
    0x00d0:  6f63 6b65 742d 5665 7273 696f 6e3a 2031  ocket-Version:.1
    0x00e0:  330d 0a0d 0a                             3....

these look identical except for the beginning, I haven't tried to decode that

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

On the second test I get newline output right where the split is between the two buffer_cat() parts

Can you show the log?

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago
Recv: GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: [host]
User-Agent: Beast
Accept: */*

Recv: Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

Sent: HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Connection: close
Content-Length: 0
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 23:29:51 GMT
Server: sgcWebSockets 3.5
Location: login
Set-Cookie: IDHTTPSESSIONID=xsenCjaLK96NzNV; Path=/
vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

The only thing left is to step into boost::asio::write and figure out why its not sending both buffers at once.

The other problem is that this server..doesn't seem to handle fragmented messages (more than one piece).

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

On the second test I get newline output right where the split is between the two buffer_cat() parts.

Remember that's just a newline generated by their logging code. The newline is not present on the wire, as your packet trace indicates.

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

yes beast seems to be working correctly aside from any efficiency lost to the packet splitting. I will bug the sgcWebSockets guys. thanks for looking at this

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

yes beast seems to be working correctly aside from any efficiency lost to the packet splitting

Ahh, I have figured it out! The problem is boost::asio::ssl::stream. If you use a normal socket, it all goes out in one I/O. I will contact the author of Asio. In the meanwhile, try using the asynchronous interfaces. You can use a coroutine to make it easier. Perhaps the asynchronous SSL implementation will buffer the outgoing write.

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

To be clear, there are two problems here.

  1. An inefficiency with ssl::stream which doesn't perform the entire I/O in one step, and
  2. The sgcWebSockets server does not correctly handle fragmented HTTP Upgrade requests.

There's a workaround and its pretty straightforward, just implement your own buffered_write_stream which passes through reads unchanged, passes through writes with buffer sequences of length 1 unchanged, and for buffer sequences of length 2 or more allocate one buffer and memcpy everything into it then pass it on to the next layer. Once you have this class implemented just declare the beast websocket stream thusly:

using stream_type =

Here's an example of a stream wrapper which you can copy into a new file and use as a starting point:

This one does buffering on the read side and passes through writes, but you want the opposite. So just edit the read code to resemble the write code (except, read instead of write) and then edit the write code to do the buffering like I described in the first paragraph. If you make a repository and put this in it and try to work on it, I can help you get it finished.

This function gives you the length of a buffer sequence:

template<class ConstBufferSequence>
typename std::enable_if<beast::is_const_buffer_sequence<ConstBufferSequence::value,
length(ConstBufferSequence const& buffers)
    return std::distance(buffers.begin(), buffers.end());

Note that this is NOT the same as boost::asio::buffer_size(buffers).

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

Can you please confirm that the websocket-client-ssl program in this branch can reproduce your defect? I am communicating with sgc directly, thanks:

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

thanks for the workaround steps! I'll try that today

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

ok I just saw your newest comment, yes I will try

I have asked the server operator for some input, I still don't know if there's some proxy or how they've done the websocket upgrade

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

Is Beast otherwise living up to your expectations / fulfilling your needs?

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

absolutely, I have implemented embedded http servers across a whole suite of programs (still need to update using the new framework) and I was able to exorcise curl for simple http GET/POST requests with a short extension/asyncification of the http client example. Had to do async because there's essentially no support for timeouts in asio sync methods (see this awesome wontfix - so I recommend a note about this somewhere and maybe an async example or a link to some asio async resources. I can try to sanitize /release my extension if that would help

getting rid of curl on an embedded target takes my runtime link dependencies down from 50-something to ~17, it's crazy. curl is extremely hard to statically link on debian and very much embraces the "unix way" of having tons of small supporting elements. so for a couple GET/POST it gets to be a bit much. most competitive libraries are similarly huge and can be hard to set up

so, anyway, this fills a big void in simple to set up and non-bloated http tools for c++, thank you

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

I hope the synchronous APIs are not removed, I find them quite useful even without the timeout! You can always use coroutines with timeouts, your code will look and flow like synchronous code (except of course it is running in a coroutine). Its very easy to do, I would try it.

I appreciate the thoughtful words.

If you could be so kind, would you consider participating in the Boost formal review of Beast? It will really help the library become even better! Its not a lot of work just write an email or two describing your experience with the library and answer a few standard questions. Just sign up to the "Boost developers mailing list" today or tomorrow here:

And then wait for the announcement. The review starts on July 1st which is in less than 3 days! They will be very interested to hear from people that have used Beast. You can write as little or as much as you want for the review. And if you have something bad to say about Beast, that's okay too - feedback is what helps improve the library! You might enjoy participating - I always learn a ton of stuff when libraries get reviewed.

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

a coroutine sounds cleaner, async with lambdas gets many levels deep ("callback hell"). I do think it's important to provide an example of how to do timeouts, in whatever way your recommend, since they're so fundamental. naked sync calls use OS timeouts in general which can be many minutes

sure, I'll sign up

the edited websocket_client_ssl reproduces the problem. still haven't heard about the specifics of the server like any proxies

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

I do think it's important to provide an example of how to do timeouts

I need to be careful here because I don't want to take responsibility for teaching the world how to use Asio. Its out of scope for Beast. Still, the http-server-fast and http-server-small examples implement timeouts. But not with coroutines unfortunately.

sure, I'll sign up

Great!! I think you will enjoy it.

the edited websocket_client_ssl reproduces the problem

Excellent. I have submitted the application to the vendor and they are attempting to reproduce it. I think they had some trouble with the required OpenSSL DLL, hopefully that gets sorted. Thanks.

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

the easiest way to make the client is probably to use ubuntu 17.04 and its default cmake, compiler, boost and openssl-dev packages installed with apt-get. ubuntu 16.04 is slightly harder because it comes with boost 1.58 and that doesn't have boost::string_view. and I think its included cmake is a little old. manually getting the compiler, cmake, boost, and openssl can be a lot for someone not used to c++ dev which is why apt-get can be a good idea

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

They asked for a Windows executable. I fixed Beast to use string_ref on older Boosts.

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

They got back to me:

Problem has been fixed, it will be available on next version. Thanks for feedback.

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

using string_ref is a good change, thanks. only barrier to ubuntu 16.04 is the cmake version which is just a new binary to download

that's great news

here's the start of buffered_write_stream, I have only copied the buffered_read_stream files and done simple renaming so far. is this the right idea in the websocket example for how it's used? trying to compile as-is gives me

error: use of deleted function ‘boost::asio::basic_stream_socket<boost::asio::ip::tcp>::basic_stream_socket(const boost::asio::basic_stream_socket<boost::asio::ip::tcp>&)’
     : next_layer_(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

You're on the right track. You don't need the multi-buffer. It could probably use an allocator at some point but we can hold off on that.

First you need to edit the read and async_read functions to just pass through the calls to the next layer.

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

Please rename to flat_write_stream and put it in example/common. You can just append the implementation functions to the end of flat_write_stream.hpp, no need to have it in a separate .ipp file.

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

Take the multi_buffer away and make reads and writes just pass-through, without buffering, get it to compile, and verify that it behaves transparently (i.e. fails the same way it did before without the wrapper).

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

You will need to write this function

/** Return an iterator to the single non zero buffer if it exists.

    This function returns an iterator to a buffer with a non-zero size if
    both of the following conditions are met:

    @li The buffer sequence has a non zero length

    @li Exactly one buffer in the sequence has a non-zero size

    Otherwise the function returns `buffers.end()`

    @param buffers The buffer sequence to search through.
template<class ConstBufferSequence>
typename ConstBufferSequence::const_iterator
find_single(ConstBufferSequence const& buffers);

This can be a static member of flat_write_stream

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

Your stream_type is missing the necessary reference on the socket, it should read:

using stream_type =
            boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket&,    // note &
larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

ha yes I just found the reference. thanks, I will make those changes

vinniefalco commented 7 years ago

It doesn't have to be a reference, as long as you're willing to write

ws.next_layer().next_layer().next_layer().connect(tcp::endpoint{address, port}, ec);

You get how these wrappers work right?

:) :) :)

larsonmpdx commented 7 years ago

when I take away multi_buffer here: using stream_type = boost::asio::ssl::stream<beast::flat_write_stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket&, beast::multi_buffer>>; the template complains:

error: wrong number of template arguments (1, should be 2)

I moved things around and made the read() stuff pass-through and the client fails the same way

do I need to change the read_some_op() stuff or delete it?