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"countries names" ==> "countries' names" (or something) #8

Open badfd opened 6 years ago

badfd commented 6 years ago

The documentation's use of countries -- i.e. without an apostrophe -- to mean the possessive, makes for awkward reading. Examples to be found include:

If the plural form of country is imperative -- i.e countries -- then the plural possessive form takes a trailing apostrophe: countries'.

But even when given the trailing apostrophe, countries' remains awkward to read.

I do not think there would be any loss of understanding if:

were used, instead. If we were discussing Ford, Chrysler, GM, and Fiat, we might write "car brands", but we would (hopefully) not write "cars' brands".

I see that the docs have been in their current state for a while. Too late to change?

glenfe commented 4 years ago

Never too late to change. Just submit a pull request.