boostorg / bind bind module
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[msvc] boost bind failed due to error C2269 under x86 architecture #35

Closed Zhaojun-Liu closed 2 months ago

Zhaojun-Liu commented 2 months ago

Hi, We use msvc to build boost and boost libs, and lib bind failed due to error C2269 under x86 architecture. Can you take a look? Thanks.

Repro steps:

  1. Open VS2022 x86 Native Tools command.
  2. Run command: cl bind_stdcall_mf_test.txt /TP /c /EHsc
  3. Run command: cl bind_fastcall_mf_test.txt /TP /c /EHsc

Expected: step 2 and 3 build ok.

Actual: for step 2:

.\boost/bind/bind.hpp(753): error C2269: cannot create a pointer or reference to a qualified function type (requires pointer-to-member)
.\boost/bind/bind.hpp(753): note: the template instantiation context (the oldest one first) is
libs\bind\test\bind_stdcall_mf_test.cpp(80): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'boost::_bi::bind_t<_bi::dm_result<MT::* ,A1>::type,boost::_mfi::dm<M,T>,_bi::list_av<A1>::type> boost::bind(M T::* ,A1)' being compiled
libs\bind\test\bind_stdcall_mf_test.cpp(80): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::_bi::dm_result<int (__stdcall X::* )(void) const,X *>' being compiled
.\boost/bind/bind.hpp(795): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::_bi::add_cref<Pm,1>' being compiled
            Pm=int (__stdcall X::* )(void) const

for step 3:

.\boost/bind/bind.hpp(753): error C2269: cannot create a pointer or reference to a qualified function type (requires pointer-to-member)
.\boost/bind/bind.hpp(753): note: the template instantiation context (the oldest one first) is
libs\bind\test\bind_fastcall_mf_test.cpp(80): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'boost::_bi::bind_t<_bi::dm_result<MT::* ,A1>::type,boost::_mfi::dm<M,T>,_bi::list_av<A1>::type> boost::bind(M T::* ,A1)' being compiled
libs\bind\test\bind_fastcall_mf_test.cpp(80): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::_bi::dm_result<void (__fastcall X::* )(void) const,X *>' being compiled
.\boost/bind/bind.hpp(803): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::_bi::add_cref<Pm,1>' being compiled
            Pm=void (__fastcall X::* )(void) const

Note: This issue may be reproduced in the next released version of VS.

bind_fastcall_mf_test.txt bind_stdcall_mf_test.txt

pdimov commented 2 months ago

Should be fixed by