boostorg / bind bind module
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Create metadata file. #8

Closed danieljames closed 10 years ago

danieljames commented 10 years ago

This file is currently used to automatically update the library list on the website. It might also be used for other thing in the future. It's not required, but it is helpful.

pdimov commented 10 years ago

ref is now in core, so it should probably not be here?

danieljames commented 10 years ago

That's up to you. Move it if it should be moved, just keep the key the same.

danieljames commented 10 years ago

Btw. there are two copies of the ref documentation, libs/libraries.htm links to libs/bind/ref.html which redirects to the old one.

If it's in core, really should be able to link to libs/core/ref.html or libs/core/ref/.

pdimov commented 10 years ago

I've no idea if it should be moved or not; but ref.hpp is in core, and its documentation in qbk format is in core as well.

danieljames commented 10 years ago

Its documentation in boostbook format is still in bind:

pdimov commented 10 years ago

I'll delete it.

pdimov commented 10 years ago

Deleted from develop.