boostorg / boost

Super-project for modularized Boost
Boost Software License 1.0
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Error on download files from JFrog - account deactivated #842

Closed rafaels-dev closed 8 months ago

rafaels-dev commented 8 months ago

Today I'm trying to install the boost using the below podspec (extracted from react-native), but I was receiving the error message [!] Error installing boost Verification checksum was incorrect, expected f0397ba6e982c4450f27bf32a2a83292aba035b827a5623a14636ea583318c41, got 5e89103d9b70bba5c91a794126b169cb67654be2051f90cf7c22ba6893ede0ff:.


# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. do |spec| = 'boost'
  spec.version = '1.76.0'
  spec.license = { :type => 'Boost Software License', :file => "LICENSE_1_0.txt" }
  spec.homepage = ''
  spec.summary = 'Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.'
  spec.authors = 'Rene Rivera'
  spec.source = { :http => '',
                  :sha256 => 'f0397ba6e982c4450f27bf32a2a83292aba035b827a5623a14636ea583318c41' }

  # Pinning to the same version as React.podspec.
  spec.platforms = { :ios => '11.0' }
  spec.requires_arc = false

  spec.module_name = 'boost'
  spec.header_dir = 'boost'
  spec.preserve_path = 'boost'

When I try to open the URL on the browser, I noticed the following page:


I also download the same URL using the cURL and the result was a HTML page with the same SHA256 of the error message:

$ curl -L | sha256sum
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   138  100   138    0     0    223      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   225
100 11534  100 11534    0     0   8325      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--  8325
5e89103d9b70bba5c91a794126b169cb67654be2051f90cf7c22ba6893ede0ff  -
jnak commented 8 months ago

Same here!

irisjae commented 8 months ago

Does anyone know of a mirror?

rafaels-dev commented 8 months ago

Does anyone know of a mirror?

I downloaded a copy of the file hosted on Source Forge and put it directly on my project.

The SHA256 of the Source Forge file is the same as the original file.

amadou1998 commented 8 months ago

same problem!

danidaryaweesh commented 8 months ago

Same problem for us too. Is this going to be fixed by them anytime soon?

f4exb commented 8 months ago

Same problem here too:

sdarwin commented 8 months ago

account deactivated.

A temporary mirror site:

Hopefully the jfrog links will be restored soon.

irisjae commented 8 months ago

Seems the links are back up.

shamas commented 8 months ago

Does anyone know of a mirror?

I downloaded a copy of the file hosted on Source Forge and put it directly on my project.

The SHA256 of the Source Forge file is the same as the original file.

How did you put it directly in your project?

I found that using spec.source with a file:/ url format worked

Shigbeard commented 8 months ago

This issue should be re-opened, at the time of writing the jfrog urls on the website lead to a landing page to "reactivate the account".

MrCyjaneK commented 8 months ago

I agree with @Shigbeard, all download links are broken as for now. Migrating the url to use instead worked, hashes match. commit

userdocs commented 8 months ago

There is no point reopening this issue when this supersedes any outcome that may be achieved here. That is the real solution that needs to be implemented.

This issue regarding an unreliable external cdn is meme at this point.

MrCyjaneK commented 8 months ago

@userdocs yet it is the official link from the official website

qidaye commented 8 months ago

jfrog is still not working.